The Story of Extremes

The Story of Extremes

Science Distilled Logo over am image over a flooded city street.

Join us for a thought-provoking conversation delving into the realm of extremes. We’ll explore the impacts and dynamics of extreme heat, flash flooding, atmospheric rivers, and even delve into the complexities of extreme human behavior. Through an analytical lens, we’ll decipher the mechanisms driving these phenomena and their far-reaching consequences on our environment and society. Discover the science behind these extreme occurrences and gain a deeper understanding of how they shape our world.

Tickets are available now through The Discovery!


Featured panelists:

Dan McEvoy, Ph.D. is a researcher with the Western Regional Climate Center at DRI. His research interests are interdisciplinary and span the fields of climate, hydrology, and meteorology.

Guo Yu, Ph.D. is an assistant research professor of Hydrometeorology. His research explores hydroclimate extremes, process-based hydrologic modeling, rainfall and flood frequency analyses, and climate change impact studies.

Wendy Baroli operates a small Personal Farmer Program™ and manages a land and water resource bordering Northern Nevada and Northern California.

In partnership with:
Logo for The Discovery: Terry Wells Nevada Discovery Museum
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OrmatIMBIB Custom BrewsKUNR: Listen. Connect. Discover.PBS Reno Logo

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