Mike Kaplan Profile Photo
Dr. Mike Kaplan
Research Professor, Emeritus

Professional Interests

Over 40 years of experience in synoptic and dynamical meteorology and mesoscale numerical weather prediction with emphasis on problems in mesoscale meteorology including: severe convective storms, mesoscale convective complex systems, terrain-induced windstorms, lakeeffect snowstorms, sea-breeze convection, gravity waves, frontogenesis, and jet streak dynamics.

Research Areas

  • Mesoscale Modeling
  • Synoptic Meteorology
  • Dynamic Meteorology
  • Mesoscale Meteorology
  • Aviation Meteorology
  • Fire Meteorology


Degree Year Institution Area
Ph.D. 1972 State University of New York, Albany Atmospheric Sciences
M.S. 1968 Rutgers University Meteorology


1967 Rutgers University Meteorology and Geography


weather, forecasting, jets, ageostrophy, duststorms, floods, convection, mesoscale, microscale, adjustment, stability, regional, modeling, dynamics, topography, snow, rain, thunderstorms, windstorms


Wiles, J., Lin, Y., Kaplan, M. L. (2024). Multi-scale numerical simulations of the synoptic environment, Diablo windstorm, and wildfire formation mechanisms for the Tubbs Fire (2017), Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 136, 10.1007/s00703-023-01001-z

Dhital, S., Webb, N. P., Kaplan, M. L., Nauman, T. W., Tyree, G., Duniway, M. C., Edwards, B., LeGrand, S. L., Letcher, T. W., Skiles, S. M., Naple, P., Chaney, N. W., Cai, J. (2024). Synoptic Analysis and Assessment of WRF-Chem Model in Simulating Southwest United States Dust-on-Snow Events., J. Geophys. Res. – Atmos, 10.1029/2023JD040650

Kaplan, M. L., Karim, S. M., Wiles, J. T., James, C. N., Lin, Y. L., Riley, J. (2023). Convective Density Current Circulations that Modulated Meso-γ Surface Winds Near the Yarnell Hill Fire, Fire, 6 (4), 130. 14th AMS Conference on Forest and Fire Meteorology: Minneapolis, MN, May 1, 2023-May 4, 2023

Karim, S., Lin, Y., Kaplan, M. L. (2022). Formation Mechanisms of the Mesoscale Environment Conducive to a Downslope Windstorm over the Cuyamaca Mountains Associated with Santa Ana Wind during the Cedar Fire (2003), Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 10.1175/jamc-d-22-0025.1

Dhital, S., Kaplan, M. L., Orza, J., Fiedler, S. (2022). The Extreme North African Haboob in October 2008: High-resolution Simulation of Organized Moist Convection in the Lee of the Atlas, Dust Recirculation and Poleward Transport, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JD035858

Dhital, S., Kaplan, M. L., Orza, J. A., Fiedler, S. (2021). Poleward Transport of African Dust to the Iberian Peninsula Organized by a Barrier Jet and Hydraulic Jumps: Observations and High-Resolution Simulation Analyses, Atmospheric Environment, 261, Article No. 118574. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118574

Shourd, K. N., Kaplan, M. L. (2021). The Multiscale Dynamics of the 29 June 2012 Super Derecho, Climate, 9 (11), 155, 10.3390/cli9110155

Kaplan, M. L., James, C. N., Ising, J., Sinclair, M. R., Lin, Y., Taylor, A., Riley, J., Karim, S. M., Wiles, J. (2021). The Multi-Scale Dynamics Organizing a Favorable Environment for Convective Density Currents that Redirected the Yarnell Hill Fire, Climate, 9 (12), 170, 10.3390/cli9120170

Orza, J. A., Dhital, S., Fiedler, S., Kaplan, M. L. (2020). Large scale upper-level precursors for dust storm formation over North Africa and poleward transport to the Iberian Peninsula. Part I: An observational analysis, Atmospheric Environment, 237, Article No. 117688. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117688

Dhital, S., Kaplan, M. L., Orza, J. A., Fiedler, S. (2020). Atmospheric Dynamics of a Saharan Dust Outbreak Over Mindelo, Cape Verde Islands, Preceded by Rossby Wave Breaking: Multiscale Observational Analyses and Simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 10.1029/2020JD032975

Smith, C. M., Hatchett, B. J., Kaplan, M. L. (2018). Characteristics of Sundowner winds near Santa Barbara, CA from a dynamically downscaled climatology. Part I. Environment and effects near the surface, Journal of Meteorology and Climatology, 57, 589-606, 10.1175/JAMC-D-17-0162.1

Hatchett, B. J., Smith, C. M., Nauslar, N. J., Kaplan, M. L. (2018). Brief Communication: Differences Between Sundowner and Santa Ana Wind Regimes in the Santa Ynez Mountains, California, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 18, 419-427. European Geophysical Union, 10.5194/nhess-18-419-2018

Hatchett, B. J., Boyle, D. P., Garner, C. B., Kaplan, M. L., Bassett, S., Putnam, A. E. (2018). Sensitivity of a western Great Basin terminal lake to winter northeast Pacific storm track activity and moisture transportChapter : . In Starratt, S. W., Rosen, M. R. (Eds.), From Saline to Freshwater: The Diversity of Western Lakes in Space and Time. Geological Society of America, https://doi.org/10.1130/2018.2536(05)

Smith, C. M., Hatchett, B. J., Kaplan, M. L. (2018). Characteristics of Diablo-like wind conditions in Northern California based on a climatology from surface observations, Fire, 1, 25, 10.3390/fire1020025

Nauslar, N. J., Hatchett, B. J., Brown, T. J., Kaplan, M. L., Mejia, J. F. (2018). Impact of the North American Monsoon on wildfire activity in the southwest United States, International Journal of Climatology, 10.1002/joc.5899

Smith, C. M., Hatchett, B. J., Kaplan, M. L. (2018). Characteristics of Sundowner winds near Santa Barbara, CA, from a dynamically downscaled climatology: Environment and effects aloft and offshore, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123 (23), 13,092-13,110, 10.1029/2018JD029065

Rayne, S., Gertler, A. W., Zielinska, B. K., Bytnerowicz, A., Burley, J., Kaplan, M. L. (2017). Impact of regional meteorology on ozone levels in the Lake Tahoe Basin, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 129 (3), 297-308, 10.1007/s00703-016-0471-z

Hatchett, B. J., Burak, S., Rutz, J. J., Oakley, N. S., Bair, E. H., Kaplan, M. L. (2017). Avalanche Fatalities During Atmospheric River Events in the Western United States, J. Hydrometeorology, 18 (5), 1359–1374, 10.1175/JHM-D-16-0219.1

Pokharel, A. K., Kaplan, M. L. (2017). Dust Climatology of the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center (DFRC) in Lancaster, California, USA, Climate, 5 (1), 18 p., Article No. 15. 10.3390/cli5010015

Harpold, A. A., Kaplan, M. L., Klos, P. Z., Link, T., McNamara, J. P., Rajagopal, S., Schumer, R., Steele, C. M. (2017). Rain or Snow: Hydrologic Processes, Observations, Prediction, and Research Needs, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 21 (1), 1-22, 10.5194/hess-21-1-2017

Kischa, P., Starobinets, B., Albert, P., Kaplan, M. L. (2017). Foehn-induced effects on dust pollution, frontal clouds and solar radiation in the Dead Sea valley, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 19 (EGU2017-2450)

Kishcha, P., Starobinets, B., Savir, A., Alpert, P., Kaplan, M. L. (2017). Foehn-Induced Effects on Dust Pollution, Frontal Clouds and Solar Radiation in the Dead Sea Valley, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 1-15, 10.1007/s00703-017-0521-1

Pokharel, A. K., Kaplan, M. L., Fiedler, S. (2017). Subtropical Dust Storms and Downslope Wind Events, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122, 15 pp. 10.1002/2017JD026942

Kaplan, M. L., Tilley, J. S., Hatchett, B. J., Smith, C. M., Walston, J., Shourd, K. N., Lewis, J. M. (2017). The Record Los Angeles Heat Event of September 2010: 1. Synoptic-Scale-Meso-β-Scale Analyses of Interactive Planetary Wave Breaking, Terrain- and Coastal-Induced Circulations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122, 10,729-10,750, 10.1002/2017JD027162

Taylor, S. M., Lin, Y. L., Kaplan, M. L. (2017). Multi-scale dynamics resulting in the February 11-12, 2010 deep south U.S. snowstorm event, Advances in Meteor., 26 p., Article No. 6301026, 10.1155/2017/6301026

Hatchett, B. J., Boyle, D. P., Garner, C. B., Bassett, S., Kaplan, M. L., Putnam, A. E. (2017). The response of a Great Basin terminal lake to winter North Pacific atmospheric circulations, Geological Society of America Special Papers

Pokharel, A. K., Kaplan, M. L., Fiedler, S. (2017). The role of jet adjustment processes in subtropical dust storms, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122, 18 pp. 10.1002/2017JD026672

Oakley, N. S., Lancaster, J. T., Kaplan, M. L., Ralph, F. M. (2017). Synoptic conditions associated with cool season post-fire debris flows in the Transverse Ranges of southern California, Natural Hazards, 88 (1), 327-354, 10.1007/s11069-017-2867-6

Nauslar, N. J., Brown, T. J., Kaplan, M. L., Mejia, J. F., Hatchett, B. J. (2017). Examining the North American Monsoon’s impact on wildfire activity in the southwest United States, International Journal of Climatology

McDonough, F., Mejia, J. F., Shourd, K. N., Carroll, R. W., Lutz, A. D., Dean, J., Juchtzer, J. W., Huggins, A. W., Kaplan, M. L., DeLuna, R., Trembath, C. (2017). Weather Modification Feasibility Study – Laramie Range Siting and Design, Level III Study, April 30, 2017, Project report prepared for the Wyoming Water Development Office, Cheyenne, WY.

Kaplan, M. L. (2016). Chapter 15. Multi-scale Observational and Numerical Modeling Studies of the Turbulence EnvironmentChapter Chapter 15: . In , Aviation Turbulence: Processes, Detection, Prediction, Part IV, pp. 299-316. Springer International Publishing: Edited by R. Sharman and T. Lane

Vellore, R. K., Kaplan, M. L., Krishnan, R., Lewis, J. M., Sabade, S., Deshpande, N., Singh, B. B., Madhura, R. K., Rama Rao, M. (2016). Monsoon-extratropical circulation interactions in Himalayan extreme rainfall, Clim. Dyn., 46, 3517-3546, 10.1007/s00382-015-2784-x

Hatchett, B. J., Boyle, D. P., Garner, C. B., Kaplan, M. L., Putnam, A. E., Bassett, S. (2016). Magnitude and frequency of wet years under a megadrought climate in the western Great Basin, USA, Quaternary Sci. Rev., 152, 197-202, 10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.09.017

Kischa, P., Starobinets, B., Savir, A., Albert, P., Kaplan, M. L. (2016). Foehn-Induced Effects on Dust Pollution, Frontal Clouds, and Solar Radiation in the Dead Sea Valley, Meteorol. Atmos. Phys, MAAP-S-16-00073

Backes, T. M., Kaplan, M. L., Schumer, R., Mejia, J. F. (2015). A Climatology of the Vertical Structure of Water Vapor Transport to the Sierra Nevada in Cool Season Atmospheric River Precipitation Events, J. Hydrometeor., 16 (3), 1029-1047 , 10.1175/JHM-D-14-0077.1

Fiedler, S., Kaplan, M. L., Knippertz, P. (2015). The importance of Harmattan surges for the emission of North African dust aerosol, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 9495-9504, 10.1002/2015GL065925

Kaplan, M. L., Fearon, M. G. (2015). Superstorm Sandy: An Example of Future Hybrid Tropical/Extratropical Storm Systems, 28 pp.. Institute Project Assignment Final Report

Kaplan, M. L., Vellore, R., Lewis, J. M., Underwood, J., Pauley, P., Martin, J., Rabin, R., Krishnan, R. (2014). Dust storm organization in large Rossby number flows, ProScience, 1, 26-31, 10.14644/dust.2014.005

Kaplan, M. L., Vellore, R. K., Lewis, J. M., Underwood, S., Pauley, P. M., Martin, J. E., Krishnan, R. (2013). Re-examination of the I-5 dust storm., J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, 627-642

Kaplan, M. L., Vellore, R. M., Lewis, J. M., Pauley, P. M., Martin, J. E., Underwood, S., Krishnan, R., Rabin, R. (2013). Subtropical-polar jet interactions in Southern Plains dust storms, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., 118, 1-22, 10.1002/2013JD020345,2013

Hansen, C., Kaplan, M. L., Mensing, S. A., Underwood, S. J., Lewis, J. M., King, K. C., Haugland, J. E. (2013). They just don’t make storms like this one anymore: Analyzing the anomalous record snowfall event of 1959, J. Operational Meteor., 1 (5), 52-65

Nauslar, N. J., Kaplan, M. L., Wallmann, J., Brown, T. J. (2013). A forecast procedure for dry thunderstorms, J. Operational Meteor., 1 (17), 200-214

Kaplan, M. L., Vellore, R. K., Marzette, P. J., Lewis, J. M. (2012). Upstream midtropospheric. circulations enabling leeside (spillover) precipitation over the Sierra Nevada ? Leeside adjustments to upslope diabatic heating, J. Hydrometeorology, 13, 1372-1394

Kaplan, M. L., Vellore, R. K., Marzette, P. J., Lewis, J. M. (2012). The Role of Windward-Side Diabatic Heating in Sierra Nevada Spillover Precipitation, J. Hydrometeorology, 13 (4), 1172-1194

Kaplan, M. L., Vellore, R. K., Lewis, J. M., Young, M. (2011). The role of unbalanced mesoscale circulations in dust storms, J Geophys Res, 10.1029/2011JD016218

Lewis, J. M., Kaplan, M. L., Vellore, R., Rabin, R. M., Hallett, J., Cohn, S. A. (2011). Dust storm over the Black Rock Desert: Larger-scale dynamical signatures, J Geophys Res, 116, doi:10.1029/2010JD014784.2011

Huang, C. Y., Lin, Y., Kaplan, M. L., Charney, J. J. (2009). Synoptic-Scale and Mesoscale Environments Conducive to Forest Fires during the October 2003 Extreme Fire Event in Southern California, J Appl Meteor Clim, 48 (3), 553-579, 10.1175/2008JAMC1818.1

Kaplan, M. L., Adaniya, C. S., Marzette, P. J., King, K. C., Underwood, S. J., Lewis, J. M. (2009). The role of upstream midtropospheric circulations in Sierra Nevada leeside (spillover) precipitation – Part II – A secondary atmospheric river accompanying a mid-level jet, J Hydrometeor, 10, 1327-1354

O’Hara, B. F., Kaplan, M. L., & Underwood, S. J. (2009). Synoptic climatological analyses of extreme snowfall in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Wea Forecasting, 24, 1610-1624

Underwood, S. J., Kaplan, M. L., & King, K. C. (2009). The role of upstream midtropospheric circulations in Sierra Nevada leeside (spillover) precipitation – Part I – A synoptic climatological analysis of flood precursor conditions. J Hydrometeor, 10, 1309-1326

Kaplan, M. L., Huang, C. Y., Lin, Y., Charney, J. J. (2008). The Development of Extremely Dry Surface Air Due to Vertical Exchanges under the Exit Region of a Jet Streak, Meteor. Atmos. Phys., 102 (1-2), 63-85, 10.1007/s00703-008-0004-5

Boybeyi, Z., Novaksovshaia, E., MacCracken, R., Bacon, D. P., Kaplan, M. L. (2007). Targeted GOES satellite observations to improve hurricane track forecast: A case study of Hurricane Floyd, Pure and Appl. Geophys, 164, 1-18

Kaplan, M. L., Charney, J. J., Waight, K. T., Lux, K. M., Cetola, J. D., Huffman, A. W., Riordan, A. J., Slusser, S. D., Kiefer, M. T., Suffern, P. S., Lin, Y. (2006). Characterizing the severe turbulence environments commercial aviation accidents. A real-time turbulence model (RTTM) designed for the operational prediction of hazardous aviation turbulence environments, Meteorol Atmos Phys, 94, 235-270

Businger, S., Graziano, T. M., Kaplan, M. L., Rozumalski, R. A. (2005). Cold-air cyclogenesis along the Gulf Stream front: Investigation of diabatic impacts on cyclone development,frontal structure and track, Meteor Atmos Phys, 88, 65-90

Kaplan, M. L., Huffman, A. W., Lux, K. M., Charney, J. J., Riordan, A. J., Lin, Y. (2005). Characterizing the severe turbulence environments associated with commercial aviation accidents. Part 1: A 44-case study synoptic observational analyses, Meteor Atmos Phys, 88, 129-152

Kaplan, M. L., Huffman, A. W., Lux, K. M., Cetola, J. D., Charney, J. J., Riordan, A. J., Lin, Y., Waight, K.T. III (2005). Characterizing the severe turbulence environments associated with commercial aviation accidents. Part 2: Hydrostatic mesoscale numerical simulations of supergradient wind flow and streamwise ageostrophic frontogenesis, Meteor Atmos Phys, 88, 153-173

Conference Proceedings
Wiles, J. T., Kaplan, M. L., Lin, Y. (2024). Numerical Weather Prediction of the Synoptic to Mesoscale Processes Leading to Heavy Precipitation during Hurricane Hilary’s (2023) Passage over Complex Terrain in the Southwestern U.S.. AMS 21st Conference on Mountain Meteorology: Boise, ID, July 22, 2024-July 26, 2024

Shourd, K. N., Kaplan, M. L. (2024). An Exploration of Derechos and Climate Indices: Is There a Potential for Seasonal Derecho Outlooks?. American Meteorological Society (AMS) 31st Conference on Severe Local Storms: Virginia Beach, VA, October 21, 2024-October 25, 2024

Shourd, K. N., Kaplan, M. L. (2024). On the Development of Derecho Forecasting Vectors: Theory, Testing, and Application. American Meteorological Society (AMS) 31st Conference on Severe Local Storms: Virginia Beach, VA, October 21, 2024-October 25, 2024

Sen, A., Kaplan, M. L. (2024). The Role of Upper-level Jet Imbalance in a Mesoscale Gravity Wave Event Organized Near Complex Terrain [oral presentation]. AGU24 Annual Meeting: Washington, DC, December 9, 2024-December 13, 2024

Orza, J., Dhital, S., Fiedler, S., Kaplan, M. L. (2022). Large-scale forcing of extreme African dust storms by double Rossby wave breaking. EGU General Assembly 2022: Vienna, Austria, April 3, 2022-April 8, 2022

James, C., Koch, S., Castro, C., Kaplan, M. L. (2022). : CREST, A field campaign designed to improve forecasts of orographic convection during the North American Monsoon. AMS 20th Conference on Mountain Meteorology: Park City, Utah, June 27, 2022-June 1, 2022

Kaplan, M. L., James, C., Ising, J., Karim, S., Lin, Y., Wiles, J., Riley, J. (2022). Complex interactions between convective density currents, terrain heating, channelling, and blocking leading to erratic wildfire motions, AMS 20th Conference on Mountain Meteorology: Park City, Utah, June 27, 2022-July 1, 2022

Wiles, J., Lin, Y., Kaplan, M. L. (2022). Multi-scale analysis of the mountain wave dynamics conducive to intensification and propagation of the Tubbs Fire (2017), AMS 20th Conference on Mountain Meteorology: Park City, Utah, June 27, 2022-July 1, 2022

Karim, S., Lin, Y., Kaplan, M. L. (2022). Upstream mountain ranges’ impacts on the formation of the mesoscale environment conducive to the Cedar Fire over the leeslope of the Cuyamaca Mountains, AMS 20th Conference on Mountain Meteorology: Park City, Utah, June 27, 2022-July 1, 2022

Kaplan, M. L., James, C., Ising, J., Sinclair, M., Lin, Y., Taylor, A., Riley, J., Karim, S., Wiles, J. (2022). The Multi-Scale Dynamics Organizing a Favorable Environment for Convective Density Currents that Redirected the Yarnell Hill Fire. 102nd AMS Annual Meeting, 31st Conf on WAF/27th Conf. on NWP: Houston, TX, January 23, 2022-January 27, 2022

Dhital, S., Kaplan, M. L., Orza, J. A., Fiedler, S. (2020). Poleward Transport of African Dust to the Iberian Peninsula Organized by Multi-scale Terrain-Induced Circulations: Observations and High-Resolution WRF-Chem Simulation Analyses. AGU Fall Meeting 2020: Virtual , A007-0008

Dhital, S., Kaplan, M. L., Garcia Orza, J., Fiedler, S. (2019). A Multi-Scale Dynamical Analysis of the Saharan Dust Outbreak Towards the Cape Verde in Early November 2017. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2019: San Francisco, December 12, 2019, A41N-2827

Garcia Orza, J., Kaplan, M. L., Dhital, S. (2018). Observational analysis of dust-convection interaction over the Sahara and its transport to the Iberian Peninsula, 29-30. 9th International Workshop on Sand/Duststorms and Associated Dustfall: Tenerife, Spain, May 22, 2018-May 24, 2018

Kaplan, M. L., Orza, J., Dhital, S. (2018). Observational Analyses of Multi Scale Interactions Among Baroclinic Waves, Complex Terrain, and Moist Convection Recirculating Saharan Dust to Spain, 22-23. 9th International Workshop on Sand/Duststorms and Associated Dustfall: Tenerife, Spain, May 22, 2018-May 24, 2018

Tilley, J. S., Kaplan, M. L., Smith, C. M., Hatchett, B. J. (2017). Southern California “Sundowner” events, 2017: Simulation studies and conceptual models. 18th Annual WRF Users’ Workshop: Boulder, CO, June 12, 2017-June 16, 2017

Tilley, J. S., Kaplan, M. L. (2017). Multi-scale simulations of the dynamics associated with the 27 September 2010 Los Angeles/Southern California extreme heat event. 18th Annual WRF Users’ Workshop: Boulder, CO, June 12, 2017-June 16, 2017

Smith, C. M., Hatchett, B. J., Kaplan, M. L. (2017). Influence of the California Coastal Jet on Analysis of Sundowners from a dynamically downscaled climatology. Meteorology and Climate — Modeling for Air Quality (MAC-MAQ), UC Davis: Davis, CA, September 13, 2017-September 16, 2017

Smith, C. M., Hatchett, B. J., Kaplan, M. L. (2017). Dynamics of Sundowner winds of Santa Barbara, CA from a downscaled climatology. Desert Research Institute Division of Atmospheric Sciences Meeting: Reno, NV, May 17, 2017

Tilley, J. S., Kaplan, M. L., Smith, C. M., Hatchett, B. J. (2017). Southern California ‘Sundowner’ events: simulation studies and conceptual models. 97th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: Seattle, WA, January 25, 2017

Kaplan, M. L., Tilley, J. S., Smith, C. M., Hatchett, B. J. (2016). The Multi-scale Dynamics of an Extreme “Heat Burst” Event in the Los Angeles Basin. American Meteorological Society Mountain Meteorology Conference: Burlington, VT, June 27, 2016-July 1, 2016

Smith, C. M., Tilley, J. S., Kaplan, M. L., Hatchett, B. J. (2016). A Climatology of Extreme Heating “Sundowner” Events near Santa Barbara (CA) Based on Surface Observations. American Meteorological Society Mountain Meteorology Conference: Burlington, VT, June 27, 2016-July 1, 2016

Tilley, J. S., Kaplan, M. L., Smith, C. M., Hatchett, B. J. (2016). Multi-scale Simulations of the 2010 Los Angeles/Southern California Heat Burst Event. American Meteorological Society Mountain Meteorology Conference: Burlington, VT, June 27, 2016-July 1, 2016

Tilley, J. S., Kaplan, M. L., Smith, C. M. (2016). On the Search for Dynamical Commonalities Among Southern California “Sundowner” Events: Simulation Studies of Several Events. American Meteorological Society Mountain Meteorology Conference: Burlington, VT, June 27, 2016-July 1, 2016

Hatchett, B. J., Burak, S., Rutz, J. J., Oakley, N. S., Kaplan, M. L. (2016). The Contributions of Atmospheric Rivers to Avalanche Fatalities in the Western United States. International Conference on Atmospheric Rivers: San Diego, CA, August 8, 2016-August 11, 2016

Oakley, N. S., Lancaster, J. M., Kaplan, M. L., Ralph, M., Demirdjian, R. (2016). Atmospheric Rivers as a Trigger for Post-fire Debris Flows in the Transverse Ranges of Southern California. International Conference on Atmospheric Rivers: San Diego, CA, August 8, 2016-August 11, 2016

Hatchett, B. J., Kaplan, M. L., Garner, C. B., Rutz, J. J. (2016). Synoptic and mesoscale controls on Sierra Nevada rain shadow intensity. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA, December 12, 2016-December 16, 2016

Hatchett, B. J., Burak, S., Kaplan, M. L. (2016). Some characteristics of upside-down storms in the northern Sierra Nevada, California-Nevada, USA, Proceedings of the 2016 International Snow Science Workshop, 1-8

Oakley, N. S., Lancaster, J. T., Kaplan, M. L., Ralph, F. M. (2016). Atmospheric Conditions Associated with Post-Fire Debris Flows in the Transverse Ranges of Southern California. International Atmospheric Rivers Conference: La Jolla, CA, August 10, 2016

Oakley, N. S., Lancaster, J. T., Kaplan, M. L., Ralph, F. M. (2016). Atmospheric Conditions Associated with Post-Fire Debris Flows in the Transverse Ranges of Southern California. Nevada NASA Space Grant Annual Meeting: Reno, NV, April 29, 2016

Pokharel, A. K., Kaplan, M. L., Fiedler, S. (2016). Atmospheric Dynamics of the Harmattan Surge on March 2, 2004, ProScience, 3, 84-93. Proceedings, 2nd International Conference on Atmospheric Dust: Taranto, Italy, 10.14644/dust.2016.014

Smith, C. M., Kaplan, M. L., Tilley, J. S., Hatchett, B. J. (2016). A numerical study of the 06/2016 Sherpa fire and the relative role of internal gravity wave and shallow water dynamics during Sundowner events. Invited talk. Fire Weather and Sundowner Winds in Santa Barbara: Observing, Modeling and Forecasting Workshop: Ucen Lobero Room, UC Santa Barbara, CA, October 21, 2016

Kaplan, M. L., Hatchett, B. J., Nauslar, N. J., Oakley, N. S., Tilley, J. S., Smith, C. M. (2016). The massive space and time scale of atmospheric processes that create localized extreme heat bursts, dry lightning, fire weather, and debris flow in the Western US. Restoring the West Conference: Climate, Disturbance, and Restoration in the Intermountain West: Utah State University, Logan, UT, October 19, 2016

Kaplan, M. L., Tilley, J. S., Smith, C. M., Hatchett, B. J. (2016). Observational analysis of the multi-day and multi-scale forcing organizing the 2010/09/27 Los Angeles Basin heat burst event. 17th Conference on Mountain Meteorology: Applications of Mountain Meteorology: Burlington, VT, June 20, 2016

Hatchett, B. J., Smith, C. M., Kaplan, M. L., Tilley, J. S. (2016). Revisiting the Sundowner Winds of Santa Barbara, California through observations, reanalysis, and high resolution modeling. Invited talk. Fire Weather and Sundowner Winds in Santa Barbara: Observing, Modeling and Forecasting Workshop: Ucen Lobero Room, UC Santa Barbara, CA, October 21, 2016

Tilley, J. S., Kaplan, M. L., Smith, C. M. (2016). On the Search for Dynamical Commonalities Among Southern California “Sundowner” Events: Simulation Studies of Several Events. Invited talk. Fire Weather and Sundowner Winds in Santa Barbara: Observing, Modeling and Forecasting Workshop: Ucen Lobero Room, UC Santa Barbara, CA, October 21, 2015

Fiedler, S., Kaplan, M. L., Knippertz, P. (2015). What is the impact of Harmattan surges on desert dust emission in North Africa. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015: Vienna, Austra, April 12, 2015

Fiedler, S., Knippertz, P., Schepanski, K., Kaplan, M. L., Heinold, B., Tegan, I. (2015). How important are large-scale storms for desert-dust emission in North Africa, submitted abstract. European Aerosol Conference: Milan, Italy, September 6, 2015

Taylor, S. M., Kaplan, M. L., Lin, Y. (2015). Multi-scale dynamics resulting in the February 11-12, 2010 south central U.S. snowstorm. AMS 16th Conference of Mesoscale Process: Boston, MA, August 2, 2015

King, K. C., Kaplan, M. L., Tilley, J. S., Smith, C. M. (2015). Analysis of the Los Angeles 2010 extreme heating event. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA, December 14, 2015

Oakley, N. S., Ralph, J. M., Kaplan, M. L. (2015). Characterizing synoptic conditions that produce extreme precipitation in the Transverse Ranges of southern California. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA, December 14, 2015

Hatchett, B. J., Bassett, S., Garner, C. B., Kaplan, M. L., Putnam, A. (2015). A medieval perspective of historical California and Nevada droughts. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA, December 14, 2015

Oakley, N. S., Lancaster, J. T., Kaplan, M. L., Ralph, F. M. (2015). Atmospheric Conditions Associated with Post-Fire Debris Flows in the Transverse Ranges of Southern California. 48th Annual Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union: San Francisco, CA, December 14, 2015-December 18, 2015

Fearon, M. G., Kaplan, M. L. (2014). Diagnosing the tropical-extratropical pre-superstorm environment over the Northern Hemisphere. 94th AMS Annual Meeting: Atlanta, GA, February 2, 2014

Kaplan, M. L., Vellore, R., Lewis, J. M., Underwood, J., Pauley, P., Martin, J., Rabin, R., Krishnan, R. (2014). Dust storm organization in high Rossby number flows. Dust 2014 International Conference on Dust: Castellaneta, Italy, June 1, 2014

King, K. C., Kaplan, M. L., Smith, C. M. (2014). Differentiating sundowner from Santa Ana wind events. Presentation at the 12th Symposium on the Coastal Environment, 94th AMS Annual Meeting: Atlanta, GA, February 2, 2014

Hatchett, B. J., Boyle, D. P., Garner, C. B., Bassett, S., Kaplan, M. L. (2014). Evidence for sensitivity of a terminal lake to storm track position. Comer Conference on Abrupt Climate Change (Paleoclimatic Focus): Madison, WI, October 20, 2014

Backes, T. M., Schumer, R., Kaplan, M. L., Redmond, K. T., Mejia, J. F. (2013). Combined effect of mid-level jets and atmospheric rivers on winter precipitation in the eastern Sierra Nevada, Vol. 1, p. 1281. Proceedings, In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts: San Francisco, CA, December 9, 2013

Hansen, C., Hallar, A. G., Nauslar, N. J., Kaplan, M. L. (2012). Graduate Field Courses at Storm Peak Laboratory. Presentation, 15th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, August 20, 2012

Hatchett, B. J., Dorman, C. E., Jiang, J., Kaplan, M. L., Koracin, D. R., Mejia, J. F., McCord, T. E., Vellore, R. (2012). Midtropospheric Response to a Siberian Cold Air Outbreak over the Kuroshio Current in the Pacific Basin, Dynamics and Predictability of Midlatitude Storms in a Changing Climate. Presentation at AGU Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA, December 3, 2012

Uher, E., Kaplan, M. L., Joros, A. N., & Decker, D. L. (2011). Air pollution dispersion forecasting: A climatological study of Cape Canaveral tropospheric wind patterns.. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: Seattle, WA

Hatchett, B. J., Kaplan, M. L., Koracin, D. R., Mejia, J. F. (2010). Playing CSI: A case study of the November 12, 2009 Bozeman, Montana Snow Event, Proceedings of the 2010 International Snow Science Workshop

Fearon, M. G., Kaplan, M. L., Mejia, J. F. (2017). Hurricane Sandy (2012). Part II: The dynamics within the local environment preceding rapid development, in revision mode for resubmission

Fearon, M. G., Kaplan, M. L., Mejia, J. F. (2017). Hurricane Sandy (2012). Part I: The tropical-extratropical environment preceding incipient development, in revision mode for resubmission