DRI Publications

Conference Proceedings
(2022). The Effects of Inundation and Emergence at Pueblo Grande de Nevada: Some Examples from Lake Mead, Annual Meetings of the Society for American Archaeology: Chicago, IL, March 31, 2022


Al-Jabri, H., Das, P., Khan, S., A comparison of bio-crude oil production from five marine microalgae – Using life cycle analysis, Energy, 251 (123954), 14

Albano, C. M., Abatzoglou, J. T., McEvoy, D. J., A multi-dataset assessment of climatic drivers and uncertainties of recent trends in evaporative demand across the continental US, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 10.1175/JHM-D-21-0163.1

Avalon, N. E., Murray, A. E., Baker, B. J. (2022). Integrated metabolomic-genomic workflows accelerate microbial natural product discovery, J. Anal. Chem., 94 (35), 11959-11966, 10.1021/acs.analchem.2c02245

Blin, N., Hausner, M. B., Leray, S., Potential impacts of climate change on an aquifer in the arid Altiplano, northern Chile: The case of the protected wetlands of the Salar del Huasco basin, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 39, 100966, 10.1016/j.ejrh.2022.100996

Boisramé, G., Brown, T. J., Bachelet, D. (2022). Trends in Western US Fire Fuels Using Historical Data and Modeling, Fire Ecology, 18 (8), June 10, 2022, 10.1186/s42408-022-00129-4

Borer, B., Or, D. (2022). Bacterial age distribution in soil–Generational gaps in adjacent hot and cold spots, PLoS computational biology, 18 (2), e1009857, Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA


Conference Proceedings
Bromley, M., Melton, F., Grimm, R., OpenET: Cloud-based Evapotranspiration Data for Water Management, American Geophysical Union, AGU – Frontiers in Hydrology Meeting: San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 20, 2022-June 24, 2022

Brown, T. J. (2022). The 2021 Wildfire Season: 420,002,021st Year of Biomass Burning on Earth, American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: [Virtual], January 25, 2022, Invited presentation.


Carroll, R. W., Deems, J., Sprenger, M., Modeling Snow Dynamics and Stable Water Isotopes Across Mountain Landscapes, Geophysical Research Letters, 49 (20), e2022GL098780, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL098780


Conference Proceedings
Castellanos, P., Miller, R., Nowottnick, E., Challenges in Characterizing Dust Aerosol Properties for Earth and Planetary Science Applications: A Goddard Science Task Group Review, Director’s Seminar, Sciences and Exploration Directorate (SED), hosted by Earth Sciences Division, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC): Greenbelt, MD, July 1, 2022, Invited

Chang, C., Atkinson, C., Axelrod, K., Aerosol?Cloud Interactions over the Tropical Atlantic Ocean, Atmospheric Chemistry, Aerosols, and Air Quality Session, 102nd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: Houston, TX, January 23, 2022


Chapman, J. B., Thomas, J. M., Garner, C. B. (2022). Groundwater Recharge Timing Based on 14C and 2H within Indian Wells Valley, California, USA, Applied Geochemistry, Elsevier, March 11, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeochem.2022.105268


Conference Proceedings
Chen, L.-W.A., Wang, X., Lopez, B., Contribution of non-exhaust vehicle emissions to near-road PM2.5 and PM10: A chemical mass balance study, 32nd CRC Real World Emissions Workshop: San Diego, California, March 13, 2022-March 17, 2022

Chowdhary, J., Moosmüller, H., Schuster, G., ). PACE UV-VIS Polarimetric Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere: Modeling Scattering and Absorption by Brown Carbon, Third Conference on Advancement of Polarimetric Observations (Apolo-2022): Silver Springs, MD, August 9, 2022-August 12, 2022

Chowdhary, J., Moosmüller, H., Schuster, G., Polarimetric Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere in the UV-VIS Spectrum: Modeling Scattering and Absorption by Brown Carbon, International Radiation Symposium (IRS 2022): Thessaloniki, Greece, July 4, 2022-July 8, 2022


Ciccarese, D., Micali, G., Borer, B., Rare and localized events stabilize microbial community composition and patterns of spatial self-organization in a fluctuating environment, The ISME journal, 16 (5), 1453-1463, Nature Publishing Group


Conference Proceedings
Colarco, P. R., Castellanos, P., Levy, R. C., A Review of the Treatment of Dust Optical Properties in Earth System Modeling, 102nd Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society (AMS): Online, January 23, 2022-January 27, 2022

Colarco, P. R., Castellanos, P., Levy, R. C., The June 2020 Extreme Dust Event and a Review of the Treatment of Dust Optical Properties in Earth System Modeling, Seminar, Atmospheric Sciences Department, Texas A&M University: Online, January 26, 2022

Colarco, P., Castellanos, P., Levy, R., A Review of the Treatment of Dust Optical Properties in Earth System Modeling, Director’s Seminar, Sciences and Exploration Directorate (SED), hosted by Earth Sciences Division, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC): Greenbelt, MD, July 1, 2022, Invited


Dhital, S., Kaplan, M. L., Orza, J., The Extreme North African Haboob in October 2008: High-resolution Simulation of Organized Moist Convection in the Lee of the Atlas, Dust Recirculation and Poleward Transport, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JD035858


Conference Proceedings
Dmitruk, G., Garnier, A., Mitchell, D. L. (2022). Reigniting CCT: Satellite Retrieval-Model Integration, Gordon Research Conference on Climate Engineering: Sunday River, Maine, June 26, 2022-July 1, 2022

Downing, M., McAdams, D. R., Christian, J. F., Intercomparison of Validation Test Flight Data from a Holographic Cloud Particle Imager (HCPI) and Several Commercial Cloud Probes, American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting 102, 22nd Symposium on Meteorological Observation and Instrumentation: Houston, TX, January 24, 2022-January 28, 2022, Paper 12.1, delivered 24 January 2022.


Elhami-Khorasani, N., Ebrahimian, H., Buja, L., Conceptualizing a probabilistic risk and loss assessment framework for wildfires, Natural Hazards, 10.1007/s11069-022-05472-y


Conference Proceedings
Erfani, E., Blossey, P., Wood, R., Sensitivity of low marine clouds to aerosol perturbations, Aerosols, Clouds, Precipitation and Climate (ACPC) Workshop: Online, 9-13 May 2022


Erfani, E., Blossey, P., Wood, R., Simulating aerosol lifecycle impacts on the subtropical stratocumulus-to-cumulus transition using large-eddy simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, e2022JD037258, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JD037258


Conference Proceedings
Erfani, E., Burls, N., Cash, B. (2022). Strongly forced North Atlantic decadal variability within anomaly initialized CESM2 decadal reforecast experiments, Ocean Science Meeting (OSM): Online, 24 Feb. to 4 Mar. 2022

Etyemezian, V. R., Kumar, N., Moosmüller, H., Cross-Divisional Collaboration, DRI Lunch and Learn, Desert Research Institute: Reno & Las Vegas, Nevada , April 25, 2022, Invited


Fox, P. M., Carrero, S., Anderson, C., Sulfur Biogeochemical Cycling and Redox Dynamics in a Shale-Dominated Mountainous Watershed, Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JG006769

German, C. R., Arrigo, K. R., Murray, A. E., Planetary oceanography: Leveraging expertise among earth and planetary science, Oceangr. J., 35, 10-15, . Special Issue on Oceans Across the Solar System. 10.5670/oceanog.2021.410


Conference Proceedings
Giordano, M., Wilcox, E.M. (2022). Aerosol Radiative Forcing: Top-of-the-Atmosphere (TOA), Atmospheric Column, and Surface Radiative Forcing for Globally Widespread Aerosol Types, American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting 102, 14th Symposium on Aerosol, Cloud, Climate Interaction, Paper 12J12A.2, delivered Wednesday 26 January 2022.


Gupta, S., Bonetti, S., Lehmann, P., Limited role of soil texture in mediating natural vegetation response to rainfall anomalies, Environmental Research Letters, 17 (3), 034012, IOP Publishing

Gupta, S., Papritz, A., Lehmann, P., Global Mapping of Soil Water Characteristics Parameters-Fusing Curated Data with Machine Learning and Environmental Covariates, Remote Sensing, 14 (8), 1947, MDPI

Gupta, S., Papritz, A., Lehmann, P., Global Soil Hydraulic Properties dataset based on legacy site observations and robust parameterization, Scientific data, 9 (1), 1-15, Nature Publishing Group

Hand, K. P., Phillips, C. B., Murray, A. E., Science goals and mission architecture of the Europa Lander Mission Concept, Planetary Science Journal, 3 (1), Article No. 22. 33 p.10.3847/PSJ/ac4993

Haynes, G., Harry, K. G. (2022). Prehistoric Ceramic Context and Research Design for the Colorado and Mojave Deserts, Bureau of Land Management, California Desert District

Haynes, G., Person, J. D. (2022). Historic Context, Character-Defining Elements, and Photographic Record for a 26.45-Mile Segment of the 138-Kilovolt Power Transmission System, Areas 3, 5, 6 and 23, Nevada National Security Site, Nye County, Nevada, 92, July 12, 2022

Haynes, G. (2022). Inundation and Emergence at Pueblo Grande de Nevada, an Eleventh Century Ancestral Puebloan Village, Advances in Archaeological Practice, Cambridge University Press: United States, August 30, 2022


Conference Proceedings
Haynes, G. (2022). The Effects of Inundation and Emergence at Pueblo Grande de Nevada: Some Examples from Lake Mead, 87th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology: Chicago, IL, March 31, 2022


Hedlund, B. P., Chuvochina, M., Hugenholtz, P., SeqCode, a nomenclatural code for prokaryotes described from sequence data, Nature Microbiology, 10.1038/s41564-022-01214-9


Conference Proceedings
Hedlund, B., Nou, N., Covington, J., Biomass Recycling Using Novel Thermophilic Enzymes and Importance for Sustainable Space Exploration, 2022 Nevada NASA Programs Statewide Meeting: Las Vegas, NV, April 29, 2022


Hoekman, S.K., Khlystov, A. Y. (2022). Effect of Detailed Hydrocarbon Analysis (DHA) Development on Particulate matter Index (PMI) Variability, 1-51, Final Report: CRC Report No. AVFL-29-2, January 27, 2022, https://crcao.org/published-reports-full/


Conference Proceedings
Hosseinpour, F. E., Wilcox, E.M. (2022). A Novel Investigation of the Energetics of Atmospheric Rivers, 35th Conference on Climate Variability and Change, 102nd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: Houston, TX, January 26, 2022

Houseman-Lehman, S. M., McDonald, E. V. (2022). Coastal Erosion Along the Eastern Seaboard: An Evaluation of Soil Health and Future Impacts on Coastal Military Installations, 14th International Conference on Military Geosciences: Charleston, South Carolina, June 20, 2022-June 24, 2022


Hu, Y., Odman, M., Russell, A., Source apportionment of Ozone and fine particulate matter in the United States for 2016 and 2028, Atmospheric Environment, 119226, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2022.119226

Huntington, J. L., Bromley, M., Minor, B. A., Groundwater Discharge from Phreatophyte Vegetation, Humboldt River Basin, Nevada, Division of Hydrologic Sciences, Desert Research Institute

Iaukea-Lum, M., Bhattarai, C., Sengupta, D., Optical Characterization of Fresh and Photochemically-Aged Aerosols Emitted from Laboratory Siberian Peat Burning, Atmosphere, 13, 386, MDPI: Basel, Switzerland, 10.3390/atmos13030386


Conference Proceedings
James, C., Koch, S., Castro, C., : CREST, A field campaign designed to improve forecasts of orographic convection during the North American Monsoon, AMS 20th Conference on Mountain Meteorology: Park City, Utah, June 27, 2022-June 1, 2022


Jimenez-Martinez, J., Nguyen, J., Or, D. (2022). Controlling pore-scale processes to tame subsurface biomineralization, Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology, 1-26, Springer Netherlands

Jones, S., Sheng, W., Or, D. (2022). Dielectric Measurement of Agricultural Grain Moisture-Theory and Applications, Sensors, 22 (6), 2083, MDPI

Jung, H., Wu, G., Chen, L.-W.A., Real-world tire and brake wear emissions, California Air Resources Board: Sacramento, California


Conference Proceedings
Kaplan, M. L., James, C., Ising, J., Complex interactions between convective density currents, terrain heating, channelling, and blocking leading to erratic wildfire motions, AMS 20th Conference on Mountain Meteorology: Park City, Utah, June 27, 2022-July 1, 2022

Kaplan, M. L., James, C., Ising, J., The Multi-Scale Dynamics Organizing a Favorable Environment for Convective Density Currents that Redirected the Yarnell Hill Fire, 102nd AMS Annual Meeting, 31st Conf on WAF/27th Conf. on NWP: Houston, TX, January 23, 2022-January 27, 2022


Karim, S., Lin, Y., Kaplan, M. L. (2022). Formation Mechanisms of the Mesoscale Environment Conducive to a Downslope Windstorm over the Cuyamaca Mountains Associated with Santa Ana Wind during the Cedar Fire (2003), Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 10.1175/jamc-d-22-0025.1


Conference Proceedings
Karim, S., Lin, Y., Kaplan, M. L. (2022). Upstream mountain ranges’ impacts on the formation of the mesoscale environment conducive to the Cedar Fire over the leeslope of the Cuyamaca Mountains, AMS 20th Conference on Mountain Meteorology: Park City, Utah, June 27, 2022-July 1, 2022


Karthik, V., Vijay Bhaskar, B., Ramachandran, S., (2022). Quantification of organic carbon and black carbon emissions, distribution, and carbon variation in diverse vegetative ecosystems across India, Environmental Pollution, 309, 119790, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2022.119790

Keller, T., Or, D. (2022). Farm vehicles approaching weights of sauropods exceed safe mechanical limits for soil functioning, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119 (21), e2117699119, National Academy of Sciences


Conference Proceedings
Khatri, A., Hosseinpour, F. E. (2022). Developing Deep Learning Methods For Prediction Of Pollutant Concentration, AI and Machine Learning Session, 102nd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: Houston, TX, January 23, 2022


Kidron, G., Lichner, L., Fischer, T., Mechanisms for biocrust-modulated runoff generation–A review, Earth-Science Reviews, 231, 104100, Elsevier

Kumar, N., Johnson, J., Yarwood, G., Contributions of domestic sources to PM2.5 in South Korea, Atmospheric Environment, 287, 119273, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2022.119273

Lapuerta, M., González-Correa, S., Ballesteros, R., (2022). Albedo Reduction for Snow Surfaces Contaminated with Soot Aerosols: Comparison of Experimental Results and Models, Aerosol Sci. Technol., 56 (9), 847-858, 10.1080/02786826.2022.2091975

Lehmann, P., Gupta, S., Or, D., Estimating global scale evapotranspiration using soil-based evaporation characteristic length and root zone depth distribution, Copernicus Meetings


Conference Proceedings
Levy, R., Castellanos, P., Colarco, P., Comparing Assumed Dust Optical Properties in Goddard-Based Satellite Algorithms, Director’s Seminar, Sciences and Exploration Directorate (SED), hosted by Earth Sciences Division, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC): Greenbelt, MD, July 1, 2022, Invited


Li, L., Schuster, G. L., Moosmüller, H., Optical properties of morphologically complex black carbon aerosols: Effects of coatings, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 281, 108080, February 15, 2022, 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2022.108080


Conference Proceedings
McDonough, F., Mejia, J. F. (2022). Analyzing Winter Storms and Their Cloud Seeding Potential Over the San Juan Mountains of Colorado, AMS 23rd Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification: Houston, TX, January 22, 2022-January 27, 2022

McEvoy, D. J., Hobbins, M. (2022). The Evaporative Demand Drought Index Applications and Tools for Wildfire Danger, Predictive Services Monthly Webinar: virtual, May 10, 2022-May 10, 2022


McEvoy, D. J., Roj, S., Dunkerly, C. W., Validation and Bias Correction of Forecast Reference Evapotranspiration for Agricultural Applications in Nevada, USA, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 148 (11), American Society for Civil Engineers, August 29, 2022-August 29, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0001595


Conference Proceedings
McEvoy, D. J. (2022). Climate and Wildfire in the Western US, Wildfire on the Range, Institute for Journalism and Natural Resources Workshop: Boise, ID, May 13, 2022-May 13, 2022


McEvoy, D. J. (2022). Overview of Current Drought Conditions in the Region, Tri-Ute Climate and Drought Early Warning Workshop: virtual, May 23, 2022-May 24, 2022


McKenna Neuman, C., Gillies, J. A., O’Brien, P., Development of ornamentation on ventifacts: an examination of flow and saltation kinematic mechanisms, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, in press


Conference Proceedings
Mitchell, D. L., Garnier, A., Mejia, J. F. (2022). Evidence of relatively high contributions of homogeneous ice nucleation over land during winter at mid-to-high latitudes, with comparisons against global climate model predictions, AMS Collective Madison Meeting, 16th Conference on Cloud Physics: Madison, WI, August 8, 2022-August 12, 2022

Mitchell, D. L., Garnier, A. (2022). A Reformulated CALIPSO (IIR-CALIOP) retrieval for cirrus cloud ice particle number concentration, effective diameter, and ice water content, NASA CloudSat-CALIPSO Science Team Meeting: Fort Collins, CO, September 12, 2022-September 14, 2022

Mitchell, D. L., Garnier, A. (2022). An improved CALIPSO (IIR-CALIOP) cirrus cloud retrieval of ice particle number concentration, effective size and ice water content with observations relevant to extreme weather, AMS Collective Madison Meeting, 17th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography: Madison, WI, August 8, 2022-August 12, 2022

Moglen, G. E., Hawkins, R., Meadows, M. E., Sensitivity of Curve Number to Calibration Methods, ASCE/EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress: Atlanta, GA, June 5, 2022-June 8, 2022, 1101718


Moglen, G. E., Sadeq, H., Hughes, L. H., NRCS Curve Number Method: Comparison of Methods for Estimating the Curve Number from Rainfall-Runoff Data, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 04022023, 27 (10), ASCE, 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0002210


Conference Proceedings
Moosmüller, H., Hosseinpour, F. E., Fenstermaker, L.F., (2022). NASA funding opportunities and RFP Process, DRI Lunch and Learn, Desert Research Institute: Reno & Las Vegas, Nevada, April 20, 2022, Invited

Moosmüller, H. (2022). UAV-based Characterization of Wildland Fires and Their Impacts, Workshop on Collecting and Processing UAV (Drone)-Based Radiometry Data for Watershed Studies: Desert Research Institute, Las Vegas, Nevada, May 17, 2022-May 18, 2022, Invited

Moser, D. P., Sushenko, N., Devlin, M., Deep Biosphere to Deep Space: Microbiome Insights for Life on Rocky Planets and Human Health during Long-Duration Spaceflight, 2022 Nevada NASA Programs Statewide Meeting: Las Vegas, NV, April 29, 2022


Nascimento, P., Taylor, S., Arnott, W. P., Development of a Real-Time Respirable Coal Dust and Silica Dust Monitoring Instrument Based on Photoacoustic Spectroscopy, Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, 10.1007/s42461-022-00653-6

Or, D. (2022). Soil structure dynamics a journey to discovery, Journal of the Japanese Society of Soil Physics, 150, 11-13, Japanese Society of Soil Physics


Conference Proceedings
Orza, J., Dhital, S., Fiedler, S., Large-scale forcing of extreme African dust storms by double Rossby wave breaking, EGU General Assembly 2022: Vienna, Austria, April 3, 2022-April 8, 2022


Perez, L. J., Parashar, R., Plymale, A., Contributions of biofilm-induced flow heterogeneities to solute retention and anomalous transport features in porous media, Water Research, 209, 117896, 10.1016/j.watres.2021.117896

Phillips, F. M., Sion, B. (2022). Geomorphic Surfaces of the Rio Grande Valley in the Vicinity of Socorro, New Mexico, New Mexico Geological Society 72nd Annual Fall Field conference Guidebook, 281-293, 10.56577/FFC-72.281


Conference Proceedings
Pistone, K., Wilcox, E.M., Giordano, M. (2022). Variation and Evolution of Atmospheric Structure over the Southeast Atlantic Biomass Burning Season as seen from Aircraft and Reanalysis, American Meteorological Society Collective Madison Meeting: Madison, WI, August 8, 2022-August 12, 2022, 4.4


Prichard, S.J., Keane, R., Hudak, A., US Forest Service National Smoke Assessment: Fuels and Consumption, Springer, In press

Rahmati, M., Latorre, B., Moret‐Fernández, D., (2022). On infiltration and infiltration characteristic times, Water Resources Research, e2021WR031600

Rodrigues, K. D., Huot, S., Keen-Zebert, A. K. (2022). Exploring the application of blue and red thermoluminescence for dating volcanic glasses, Radiation Measurements, 106731, Elsevier

Romero‐Ruiz, A., Linde, N., Baron, L., Lasting effects of soil compaction on soil water regime confirmed by geoelectrical monitoring, Water Resources Research, 58 (2), e2021WR030696, Wiley Online Library


Conference Proceedings
Rosen, C. S. (2022). Artist Rebeca Méndez on the Intersections of Art, Design and Science, NV STEAM Conference: [Virtual], February 5, 2022

Rosen, C. S. (2022). Cultivating Curiosity – Teaching and Learning Reimagined with Doreen Gehry Nelson, NV STEAM Conference: [Virtual], February 2, 2022

Rosen, C. S. (2022). Walking through the STEM Door, Beyond all Limits: J4NG Career Development Conference: [Virtual], March 31, 2022


Rowell, E.M., Prichard, S., Varner, J., Re-envisioning Fire and Vegetation Feedbacks, Wildland Fire Dynamics, 156-182, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 10.1017/9781108683241.006

Ruiz, A., Linde, N., Baron, L., Lasting Effects of Soil Compaction on Soil Water Regime Confirmed by Geoelectrical Monitoring, Water Resources Research, 58 (2), e2021WR030696

Rybarski, S. C., Hausner, M. B., Bergsohn, I. (2022). Alternative Plan for Tahoe Valley South Subbasin (6-005.01). First Five-Year Update, Volume I – Report, 536 pages

Rybarski, S. C., Hausner, M. B., Bergsohn, I. (2022). Alternative Plan for Tahoe Valley South Subbasin (6-005.01). First Five-Year Update, Volume II – Appendices, 319 pages

Shojaei, M., Or, D., Shokri, N. (2022). Localized Delivery of Liquid Fertilizer in Coarse-Textured Soils Using Foam as Carrier, Transport in Porous Media, 1-9, Springer Netherlands

Shokri, N., Zarepakzad, N., Nevermann, H., Predicting regional soil moisture dynamics using machine learning techniques and a dense observational network, Copernicus Meetings


Conference Proceedings
Simeral, D. B. (2022). Drought Conditions & Climate Status Update, U.S. Drought and Heat Webinar, NOAA NIDIS & NOAA NIHHIS: Webinar, July 21, 2022

Simeral, D. B. (2022). Drought Conditions & Climate Update, Southwest Drought Briefing – A Focus on Snowpack, USDA Southwest Climate Hub | NOAA NIDIS: Webinar, April 5, 2022

Simeral, D. B. (2022). U.S. Drought Monitor Overview, Drought in Nevada Workshop Series: Drought Outreach & Communications Strategies, Nevada Department of Water Resources & NOAA NIDIS: Webinar, February 9, 2022


Sion, B., Baish, C. J., Bustarde, J. (2022). Distribution of geomorphic landforms and soils along the El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro in the Socorro area: implications for trafficability and trail routing, New Mexico Geological Society 72nd Annual Fall Field Conference Guidebook, 399-412, 10.56577/FFC-72.399


Conference Proceedings
Sion, B., Berli, M., Samburova, V., Effects of the 2021 Caldor fire (CA, USA) on soil hydraulic and thermal properties: a pilot study, 54 (5), GSA Connects 2022: Denver, CO, October 9, 2022-October 12, 2022, 10.1130/abs/2022AM-381651


Sion, B., Harrison, B. J., McDonald, E. V., Chronofunctions for New Mexico, USA soils show relationships among climate, dust input, and soil development, Quaternary International, 618, 35-51, 10.1016/j.quaint.2021.06.024

Sion, B., Hirsch, F., Sauer, D. (2022). Geochemical and Physical Expressions of Soils in Time and Space: Basic Research and Use of Soils for Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction, Quaternary International, 618, 1-3, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2022.02.021


Conference Proceedings
Sion, B., McDonald, E. V., Bustarde, J., Meteoric 10Be analysis from a soil chronosequence in the Mojave Desert, USA reveals the long-term stability of Av horizons and potential avenues for future research (EGU22-9963), European Geophysical Union: Vienna, Austria, May 23, 2022-May 27, 2022, 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-9963


Sion, B., Shoop, S., McDonald, E. V. (2022). Evaluation of in-situ relationships between variable soil moisture and soil strength using a plot-scale experimental design, Journal of Terramechanics, 103, 33-51, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jterra.2022.07.002

Sprenger, M., Carroll, R. W., Dennedy-Frank, J., Variability of snow and rainfall partitioning into evapotranspiration and summer runoff across nine mountainous catchments, Geophysical Research Letters, http://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL099324


Conference Proceedings
Strom, M., Rosen, C. S. (2022). Bringing NASA to Nevada: A Hands-On Learning Partnership, Public Library Association Conference: Portland, OR, March 24, 2022

Sushenko, N., Saidi-Mehrabad, A., Hedlund, B., Resistance of Klebsiella Strains from the International Space Station to Quaternary Ammonium Compound Disinfectants, 2022 Nevada NASA Programs Statewide Meeting: Las Vegas, NV, April 29, 2022

Sushenko, N., Saidi-Mehrabad, A., Hedlund, B., Resistance of Klebsiella Strains from the International Space Station to Quaternary Ammonium Compound Disinfectants, 2022 Nevada NASA Programs Virtual Poster Competition: Online, May 13, 2022


Sushenko, N., Singh, N. K., Vellone, D. L., Complete Genome Sequence of Klebsiella quasipneumoniae subsp. similipneumoniae Strain IF3SW-P1, Isolated from the International Space Station, Microbiology Resource Announcements, 11 (7), June 23, 2022

VanderMolen, K.A., Kimutis, N., Hatchett, B. J. (2022). Recommendations for increasing the reach and effectiveness of heat risk education and warning messaging, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 82, 103288, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103288


Conference Proceedings
VanderMolen, K.A., Meadow, A., Horangic, A. M., Identifying Types of Stakeholder Climate Information Use, Conceptual, Instrumental, Justification, North American Congress for Conservation Biology: Reno, NV, July 16, 2022-July 21, 2022


Vereecken, H., Amelung, W., Bauke, S., Soil hydrology in the Earth system, Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 1-15, Nature Publishing Group

Verhoef, A., Zeng, Y., Cuntz, M., Assessing the variability of soil temperatures in Land Surface Models using outputs from the Soil Parameter Model Intercomparison Project (SP-MIP), Copernicus Meetings

Visser, A., Kwicklis, E., Farnham, I., Using groundwater noble gas measurements to confirm paleorecharge hypotheses at Pahute Mesa, Nevada National Security Site, Nevada, USA, Hydrogeology Journal, Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-021-02428-7

Walker, I., Hilgendorf, Z., Turner, C., Assessing performance of a ‘nature-based’ foredune restoration project, Oceano Dunes, California, USA, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, in press, 10.1002/esp.5478

Wang, X., Chen, L.-W.A., Lu, M., Apportionment of Vehicle Fleet Emissions by Linear Regression, Positive Matrix Factorization, and Emission Modeling, Atmosphere, 13 (7), 1066

Wang, X., Chen, L., Lu, M., Apportionment of Vehicle Fleet Emissions by Linear Regression, Positive Matrix Factorization, and Emission Modeling, Atmosphere, 13 (7), 1066

Watson, J. G., Chow, J. C., Kohl, S. D., Identifying sources of excessive elemental concentrations in stormwater runoff at the LADWP Haynes and Harbor generating stations, Desert Research Institute for the Electric Power Research Institute: Reno, NV

Whitman, W. B., Chuvochina, M., Hedlund, B. P., Development of the SeqCode: A proposed nomenclatural code for uncultivated prokaryotes with DNA sequences as type, Syst. Appl. Microbiol., 45 (5), Article No. 126305. 10.1016/j.syapm.2022.126305


Conference Proceedings
Wilcox, E.M., Giordano, M., Wang, J. (2022). Modulation of the Diurnal Variations in Clouds By Light-Absorbing Aerosols, American Meteorological Society Collective Madison Meeting: Madison, WI, August 8, 2022-August 12, 2022, 4.5

Wilcox, E.M., Yuan, T. (2022). A new global satellite database of deep convective cloud systems to explore cloud system organization, microphysics and links to atmospheric thermodynamic structure, GEWEX Global Atmospheric System Studies Panel Meeting: Monterey, CA, July 25, 2022-July 29, 2022, CO65

Wilcox, E.M., Yuan, T. (2022). Exploration of a Global Satellite Database of Deep Convective Cloud System Size, Cloud Microphysics, and Atmospheric Thermodynamic Structure, 102nd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, 19th Conference on Mesoscale Processes: Houston, TX, January 23, 2022-January 27, 2022, 180

Wiles, J., Lin, Y., Kaplan, M. L. (2022). Multi-scale analysis of the mountain wave dynamics conducive to intensification and propagation of the Tubbs Fire (2017), AMS 20th Conference on Mountain Meteorology: Park City, Utah, June 27, 2022-July 1, 2022


Yu, G., Miller, J. J., Sueki, S. (2022). Wildfire Impacts on Annual Flood Peaks Across the Western United States, 24 pp, DRI Publication 41291

Yu, G., Wright, D., Davenport, F. (2022). Diverse Physical Processes Drive Upper‐Tail Flood Quantiles in the US Mountain West, Geophysical Research Letters, e2022GL098855

Yuan, T., Song, H., Wood, R., Global Reduction in Ship-tracks from Sulfur Regulations for Shipping Fuel, Science Advances, 8 (29), July 22, 2022, 10.1126/sciadv.abn7988


Abbasi, B., Wang, X., Chow, J. C., Review of respirable coal mine dust characterization for mass concentration, size distribution, chemical composition, and source attribution, Minerals, 11 (4), 426, 10.3390/min11040426

Abbott, P. M., Niemeier, U., Timmreck, C., Volcanic climate forcing preceding the inception of the Younger Dryas: Implications for tracing the Laacher See eruption, Quat. Sci. Rev., 274, Article No. 107260. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2021.107260

Abbott, P. M., Plunkett, G., Corona, C., Identification of cryptotephra from the Icelandic Veiðivötn 1477 CE eruption in a Greenland ice core: role in confirming the dating of volcanic events in the 1450s CE and assessing the eruption’s climatic impact, Clim. Past, 17 (2), 565-585, 10.5194/cp-17-565-2021

Abdelrazik, M., Abdullah, T., Abe, R., Mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19, Nature, 600 (7889), 472-477, Nature Publishing Group UK, 10.1038/s41586-021-03767-x

Ackermann, B., Lee, C. M., McWethy, D., An Application of Ground-Penetrating Radar at a Greater Yellowstone Area Ice Patch, J. Glacial Archaeol., 5, 73-84, 10.1558/jga.19883

Adhikari, P., Mejia, J. F. (2021). Influence of aerosols on clouds, precipitation and freezing level height over the foothills of the Himalayas during the Indian summer monsoon, Clim. Dyn., 57, 395-413, 10.1007/s00382-021-05710-2

Akara, M. E., Reeves, D. M., Parashar, R. (2021). Impact of Horizontal Spatial Clustering in Two-Dimensional Fracture Networks on Solute Transport, Journal of Hydrology, 603 (Part C), 127055, 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.127055


Conference Proceedings
Albano, C. M., Imgarten, M., Dettinger, M. D. (2021). Preliminary Assessment of Wintertime Streamflow Ensemble Forecast Skill in the Truckee River basin to Identify Challenges and Opportunities for Forecast-informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO), Nevada Water Resources Association: Las Vegas, NV, January 19, 2021-January 28, 2021


Albano, C. M., McCarthy, M. I., Dettinger, M. D., (2021). Techniques for constructing climate scenarios for stress test applications, Climatic Change, 164 (3), 33, 10.1007/s10584-021-02985-6

Albano, C. M., Minor, B. A., Huntington, J. L., Baseline Assessment of Groundwater Dependent Vegetation in Relation to Climate and Groundwater Levels in Select Hydrographic Basins of Nevada, Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV, Desert Research Institute Technical Report 41283.


Conference Proceedings
Albano, C. M., Saito, L., Loheide, S. (2021). Quantifying environmental water requirements for groundwater dependent ecosystems, Nevada Water Resources Association: Las Vegas, NV, January 19, 2021-January 28, 2021


Alshammari, D., Bloss, W., Chen, Y., General discussion: Multiphase atmospheric chemistry, and source apportionment, Faraday Discussions, 226, 314-333, 10.1039/D1FD90015C

Aminzadeh, M., Roderick, M., Or, D. (2021). Using the complementary relationship between actual and potential evaporation to diagnose the onset of heatwaves, Water Resources Research, 57 (11), e2020WR029156


Conference Proceedings
Arora, B., Banfield, J., Bouskill, N., Bedrock-Watershed Connections and Conundrums, U.S. Department of Energy, Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting: [Virtual], August 17, 2021-August 19, 2021

Avalon, N. E., Murray, A. E., Chain, P. S., Elucidation of the biosynthetic gene cluster for palmerolide A, a potent marine macrolide from an Antarctic ascidian, Pacifichem 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu HI: [Virtual], December, 2021


Avalon, N. E., Murray, A. E., Daligault, H. E., Bioinformatic and mechanistic analysis of the palmerolide PKS-NRPS biosynthetic pathway from the microbiome of an Antarctic ascidian, Front. Chem., 9, Article No. 802574.

Axelrod, K., Samburova, V., Khlystov, A. Y. (2021). Relative abundance of saccharides, free amino acids, and other compounds in specific pollen species for source profiling of atmospheric aerosol, Science of the Total Environment, 799, Article No. 149254, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149254


Conference Proceedings
Axelrod, K., Samburova, V., Khlystov, A. Y. (2021). Species-Specific Chemical Analysis of Pollen for Source Identification of Atmospheric Aerosol, AAAR 39th Annual Conference: Albuquerque, NM, October 18, 2021-October 22, 2021


Bacon, S. N., Berli, M., Miller, J. J., Surface Cover Assessment of the Mexican Hat Disposal Site, Utah, Paginated by section, 41284

Bai, X., Son, Y. (2021). Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in surface water and sediments from two urban watersheds in Nevada, USA, Science of The Total Environment, 751, 141622, Elsevier

Baish, C. J., Sion, B., Adams, K. D., A landform-based predictive mapping approach to estimating soil properties in Estonia and Lithuania, 29, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: , Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Bandala, E. R., Kruger, B. R., Cesarino, I., Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on the wastewater 1 pathway into surface water: A review, Science of the Total Environment

Bandala, E. R., Liu, A., Wijesiri, B., Emerging materials and technologies for landfill leachate treatment: A critical review, Environmental Pollution, 291, Article No. 118133.

Bandala, E. R., Sadek, R., Gurgul, J., Assessment of the capability of Fe and Al modified BEA zeolites to promote advanced oxidation processes in aqueous phase, Chemical Engineering Journal, 409, Article No. 127379.


Conference Proceedings
Barger, J. R., Boye, K., Francis, C., Hydro-biogeochemical reactivity of subsurface interfaces, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021

Berghouse, M. J., Perez, L. J., Plymale, A., Impacts of flow on transport of motile microbes in synthetic porous media, AGU Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021

Berli, M., Shillito, R. M., Giovando, J. J., Post-fire infiltration modeling ? some soil physical considerations, EGU General Assembly 2021: [Virtual], April 19, 2021-April 30, 2021, Paper no. EGU21-13805. 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13805


Bess, Z., Chandra, S., Erin, S., Zooplankton influences on phytoplankton, water clarity, and nutrients in Lake Tahoe, Aquatic Sciences, 83 (26)

Bhatt, U., Lader, R., Walsh, J., Emerging Anthropogenic Influences on the Southcentral Alaska Temperature and Precipitation Extremes and Related Fires in 2019, Land, 10 (1), January 17, 2021, https://doi.org/10.3390/land10010082

Bhattarai, C., Khlystov, A. Y. (2021). Derivation of particle size changes from polydisperse size distribution measurements: numerical and experimental verification, Aerosol Science and Engineering, 5 (2), 214-222, 10.1007/s41810-021-00095-5

Bhattarai, C., Khlystov, A. (2021). Derivation of particle-size changes from polydisperse size distribution measurements: numerical and experimental verification, Aerosol Science and Engineering, 5 (2), 214-222, 10.1007/s41810-021-00095-5


Conference Proceedings
Boisramé, G., Carroll, R. W. (2021). Using machine learning to reduce computation time in a dynamically coupled water allocation & groundwater model, AGU Fall Meeting: Virtual, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021

Boisramé, G., Carroll, R. W. (2021). Using machine learning to reduce computational time in a dynamically coupled water allocation and groundwater model, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021


Boisramé, G., Witt, S., Becerra-Hernandez, L., Quantifying Hydrological Fluxes at the 7J Ranch: Report for The Nature Conservancy, June 9, 2021

Boisramé, G. (2021). Final Report for Study # YOSE-00671: Effects of recurring forest fires on the ecohydrology and climate change resilience of the Illilouette Creek Basin, Yosemite National Park, September 1, 2021


Conference Proceedings
Boisramé, G. (2021). Lessons Learned from 50 Years of Restoring Wildfire to a Sierra Nevada Watershed, AGU Fall Meeting: Virtual, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021

Boisramé, G. (2021). Restoring wildfire increases landscape heterogeneity in a Sierra Nevada watershed, 9th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress: Virtual, November 30, 2021-December 3, 2021

Boisramé, G. (2021). Snowpack, soil moisture, and streamflow in Sierra Nevada watersheds with frequent wildfire, 9th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress: Virtual, November 30, 2021-December 3, 2021

Bouskill, N., Newcomer, M., Wainwright, H., A tale of two catchments: comparing and contrasting nitrogen export patterns from Coal Creek and East River using isotopic signatures, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021

Breckheimer, I., Blonder, B., Carroll, R. W., Integrative remote sensing to promote environmental discover: The RMBL spatial data platform, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021

Brown, T. J., Clark, S., Mills, G., In 5 minutes – Downscaled GCM climate projections of fire weather over Victoria, Australia. Part 1: Evaluation of the MACA technique and Part 2: A multi-model ensemble of 21st century trends, DRI Lightning Lunch: Wildland Fire, Smoke, and Human Dimensions of Fire, January 12, 2021

Brown, T. J., McEvoy, D. J. (2021). Climate change attribution of nighttime fire behavior, 13th Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology, American Meteorological Society: [Virtual], May 11, 2021-May 13, 2021

Brown, T. J., Podnar, D. (2021). The California and Nevada Smoke and Air Committee – Operations and data for fire weather, smoke, and air quality, San Jose State University Fire Weather Workshop: [Virtual], April 8, 2021, Invited presentation.


Brown, T. J., Wall, T. U. (2021). All Things Remote Automatic Weather Station (RAWS) Summit, Western Regional Climate Center: [Virtual], January 19, 2021-January 21, 2021


Conference Proceedings
Brown, T. J. (2021). A mine of wildfire, National Association of Abandoned Mine Land Programs: [Virtual], September 13, 2021, Invited keynote presentation.

Brown, T. J. (2021). A perspective on wildfire, Environmental Defense Fund: [Virtual], September 4, 2021, Invited presentation.

Brown, T. J. (2021). Achieving science for society – A personal voyage, 1st Youth Earth and Environmental Science Conference: [Virtual], October 30, 2021, Invited presentation.

Brown, T. J. (2021). Addressing our wildland fire weather needs, American Meteorological Society Washington Forum: [Virtual], April 26, 2021-April 29, 2021, Invited presentation.

Brown, T. J. (2021). Earth’s changing climate – drought, fire, and extremes, Sienna Progressive Club, Las Vegas, NV: [Virtual], November 8, 2021, Invited presentation.

Brown, T. J. (2021). Fire weather/drought/climate change, University of Nebraska: Lincoln, NE, November 9, 2021, Course lecture. Invited presentation.

Brown, T. J. (2021). The 2020 Wildfire Season: 420,002,020th Year of Biomass Burning on Earth, American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: [Virtual], January 15, 2021, Invited presentation.

Brown, T. J. (2021). The Fire and Smoke Model Evaluation Experiment, DRI Science Distilled: [Virtual], September 15, 2021, Invited presentation.

Brown, T. J. (2021). The timeline of climate, weather, and fire, Living with Fire Webinar: [Virtual], June 10, 2021, Invited presentation.

Brown, T. J. (2021). Wildland fire – Natural Hazards, University of Oklahoma: [Virtual], March 25, 2021, Course lecture. Invited presentation.

Brown, T. J. (2021). Wildland fire-climate-weather connections and management planning, policy, and interfacing between science and decision-making, Operation Sierra Storm Broadcast Meteorology Workshop: South Lake Tahoe, NV, January 26, 2021, Invited presentation.

Brugger, S., Chellman, N. J., Henne, P., A Millennium of Human-Environmental Interactions Inferred from a Southern Greenland Ice Microfossil Record, The 5th International Frozen Past: Glacial & Ice Patch Archaeology Conference: Chico Hot Springs, MT

Brugger, S., McWethy, D., Chellman, N. J., Black carbon emissions from lake sediments near late 13th century Mãori settlements: Constraining a major black carbon source to Antarctica, The 5th International Frozen Past: Glacial & Ice Patch Archaeology Conference: Chico Hot Springs, MT


Brügger, S., Schwikowski, M., Gobet, E., Alpine glacier reveals ecosystem impacts of Europe’s prosperity and peril over the last millennium, Geophysical Research Letters, 10.1029/2021GL095039

Brugger, S., Schwikowski, M., Gobet, E., Alpine Glacier Reveals Ecosystem Impacts of Europe’s Prosperity and Peril Over the Last Millennium, Geophysical Research Letters, 48 (20), e2021GL095039, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL095039

Brügger, S., Watts, T. (2021). Transportation Network Companies: Drivers? Perceptions of Ride-Sharing Regarding Climate Change and Extreme Weather, Climate, 10.3390/cli9080131

Brugger, S., Watts, T. (2021). Transportation Network Companies: Drivers’ Perceptions of Ride-Sharing Regarding Climate Change and Extreme Weather, Climate, 9 (8), 10.3390/cli9080131


Conference Proceedings
Burke, A., Innes, H., Sigl, M., High resolution sulfur isotopes from ice cores: new techniques and improved estimates of the volcanic forcing of climate, 2021 Goldschmidt Conference: [Virtual]

Carroll, R. W., Deems, J. S., Maxwell, R. M., Snow dynamics and stable water isotope inputs across mountain landscapes, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021

Carroll, R. W. (2021). ASO in the East River, Colorado. Bolstering simple snow models for hydrologic analysis, Airborne Snow Observatory Workshop: [Virtual], September 13, 2021-September 16, 2021

Carroll, R. W. (2021). Does monsoon rain matter to streamflow in the Upper Colorado River?, Watershed Function Science Community, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: Berkeley, CA, January 12, 2021, Invited talk.

Carroll, R. W. (2021). Snowmelt to streamflow: The importance of groundwater in mountain hydrology, Center for Watershed and the Environment, Distinguished Speaker Series. Center for Water and the Environment, University of New Mexico: Albuquerque, NM, March 3, 2021, Invited talk.


Casar, C., Kruger, B. R., Osburn, M. (2021). Rock-hosted subsurface biofilms: mineral selectivity drives hotspots for intraterrestrial life, Frontiers in microbiology, 12, 702


Conference Proceedings
Castellanos, P., Chin, M., Colarco, P. R., A Review of Dust Optical Properties used in Earth and Mars System Modeling, as well as Remote Sensing Applications, 2021 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021

Castellanos, P., Chin, M., Colarco, P. R., A Review of Dust Optical Properties used in Earth and Mars System Modeling, as well as Remote Sensing Applications, 2021 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021

Chabani, A., Trullenque, G., Parashar, R., Modelling of Fractured Granitic Geothermal Reservoirs: Use of Deterministic and stochastic methods in Discrete Fracture Networks and a Coupled Processes Modeling Framework, Proceedings World Geothermal Congress: Reykjavik, Iceland, May 21, 2021-May 26, 2021, 10.5281/zenodo.5614479


Chaffron, S., Delage, E., Budinich, M., Environmental vulnerability of the global ocean plankton community interactome, Science Advances, 35 (7), Article No. eabg1921.

Chapman, J. B., Miller, J. J. (2021). Stewardship Considerations for Nevada FFACO Corrective Action Units Closed through the EM NV Soils Activity based on Monitoring of Radionuclide Transport, paginated by section, DRI #45295; DOE/NV/0003590-58

Chapman, J. B., Nikolich, G., Chapman, A., Tonopah Test Range Air Monitoring: CY2020 Meteorological, Radiological, and Wind Transported Particulate Observations, Paginated by section, DRI Report # 41285

Chapman, J. B., Nikolich, G., Goreham, J., Tonopah Test Range Air Monitoring: CY2019 Meteorological, Radiological, and Wind Transported Particulate Observations, paginated by section, DRI# 45296: DOE/NV/0003590-60


Conference Proceedings
Chellman, N. J., McConnell, J. R., Pederson, G. T., (2021). Holocene paleoclimate and ground penetrating radar studies of two ice patches on the Beartooth Plateau, The 5th International Frozen Past: Glacial & Ice Patch Archaeology Conference: Chico Hot Springs, MT


Chellman, N. J., McConnell, J. R. (2021). Linking lead pollution in ice cores to ancient history, Past Global Changes, PAGES Horizons, 1, 34-35, 10.22498/pages.horiz.1.34

Chen, L.-W.A., Chow, J. C., Wang, X., Brownness of organic aerosol over the U.S.: Evidence for seasonal photobleaching activities, Environmental Science and Technology, 55 (13), 8561-8572, 10.1021/acs.est.0c08706

Cheng, F., Zuza, A. V., Haproff, P. J., Accommodation of India-Asia convergence via strike-slip faulting and block rotation in the Qilian Shan fold-thrust belt, northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, Journal of the Geological Society, 178 (3), 10.1144/jgs2020-207

Cheng, Y., Chow, J. C., Watson, J. G., Decreasing concentrations of carbonaceous aerosols in China from 2003 to 2013, Scientific Reports, 11, 5352, 10.1038/s41598-021-84429-w

Chou, L., Murray, A. E., Kenig, F. (2021). Organic sulfones in the brine of Lake Vida (East Antarctica), Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 292, 409-426, 10.1016/j.gca.2020.10.001

Chow, J. C., Chen, L.-W.A., Wang, X., Improved estimation of PM2.5 brown carbon contributions to filter light attenuation, Particuology, 56, 1-9, 10.1016/j.partic.2021.01.001


Conference Proceedings
Chowdhary, J., Moosmüller, H., Schuster, G. L., Polarimetric Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere in the UV-VIS Spectrum: Modeling Scattering and Absorption by Brown Carbon, 2021 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021

Chowdhary, J., Moosmüller, H., Schuster, G., Polarimetric Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere in the UV-VIS Spectrum: Modeling Scattering and Absorption by Brown Carbon, 19th Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference (ELS-XIX): [Virtual], July 12, 2021-July 16, 2021


Clark, S., Mills, G., Brown, T. J., Downscaled GCM climate projections of fire weather over Victoria, Australia. Part 1: Evaluation of the MACA technique, International Journal of Wildland Fire, 10.1071/WF20174

Clark, S., Mills, G., Brown, T. J., Downscaled GCM climate projections of fire weather over Victoria, Australia. Part 2: A multi-model ensemble of 21st century trends, International Journal of Wildland Fire, 10.1071/WF20175


Conference Proceedings
Colarco, P. R., Castellanos, P., Chin, M., A Review of the Treatment of Dust Optical Properties in Earth System Modeling, 20th AEROCOM Workshop: Online, October 11, 2021-October 15, 2021


Cole-Dai, J., Ferris, D. G., Kennedy, J. A., Comprehensive record of volcanic eruptions in the Holocene (11,000 years) from the WAIS Divide, Antarctica ice core, J. Geophys. Res. Atmospheres, 126 (7), Article No. e2020JD032855. 10.1029/2020JD032855

Crews, J. B., Hausner, M. B., Page, D. J., Quantification of Near-surface Physical and Electromagnetic Properties in Soils Related to Operational Testing and Development of Countermine Technologies, Prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Crews, J. B., Page, D. J., McDonald, E. V. (2021). Development of Remote Reflection Acquisition of Seismic Parameters (RRASP), Prepared for: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Crumeyrolle, S., Mensah, A., Khlystov, A. Y., On the importance of nitrate for the droplet concentration in stratocumulus in the North-Sea region, Atmospheric Environment, Article No. 118278. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118278


Conference Proceedings
D’Andrilli, J., McConnell, J. R. (2021). Polar Ice Core Carbon Signatures Provide Insight on Global Perspectives of Ecological Variability Across Ancient and Modern Scales, AGU Fall Meeting 2021: New Orleans, LA


Dechdacho, P., Hershey, R. L., Perez, L. J., The Influence of Compost on Arsenic Removal from Contaminated Groundwater in Granitic Aquifers, Journal of Nevada Water Resources Assoication (Winter 2021), 42-54, Nevada Water Resources Association, 10.22542/jnwra/2021/1/2


Conference Proceedings
Dechdacho, P., Perez, L. J., Hershey, R. L., The Influence of an Iron Metal-Organic Framework Material on Arsenic Sorption in Groundwater: Column Experiments and Simulations, AGU Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021, H45Q-1376

Dennedy-Frank, P. J., Sprenger, M., Carroll, R. W., (2021). Understanding snow and rain partitioning into runoff and evapotranspiration in a mountainous watershed using dynamic-flux particle tracking, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021


Dhital, S., Kaplan, M. L., Orza, J. A., Poleward Transport of African Dust to the Iberian Peninsula Organized by a Barrier Jet and Hydraulic Jumps: Observations and High-Resolution Simulation Analyses, Atmospheric Environment, 261, Article No. 118574. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118574


Conference Proceedings
Erfani, E., Blossey, P., Wood, R., Progress in Understanding the Low Marine Cloud-Aerosol Interactions during CSET using LES, A24F-08, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, 13-17 Dec. 2021, https://doi.org/10.1002/essoar.10509971.1

Ernster, N. E., Alvarez-Ponce, D., Luzuriaga, A., (2021). Mining Antarctic ascidian-associated bacterial genomes reveals numerous biosynthetic gene clusters and signatures of cold adaptation, US-SCAR: [Virtual], July, 2021

Ernster, N. E., Mars, D., Ichimura, A., Optical microscopy and AFM as complimentary tools in detecting signs of life in ocean world analog samples, Nevada Space Grant and NASA EPSCoR Statewide meeting: [Virtual], April, 2021


Fortenberry, C., Wang, X., Cleary, T., Research Questions and Challenges for Improved Fire Detection – A topical white paper submitted to the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) for the NASA Biological and Physical Sciences Decadal Survey, 2022-2032, NASA Glenn Research Center: Cleveland, OH


Conference Proceedings
Fox, P., Arora, B., Anderson, C., Insights into the role of lateral hyporheic exchange on biogeochemical cycling as a function of varying annual discharge in the East River, CO, USA, Goldschmidt 2021: [Virtual], July 4, 2021-July 9, 2021

Furtak-Cole, E., Gillies, J. A., Walker, I., Computational and Experimental Investigation of the Shear Stress on a Coastal Foredune, 74th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics: Phoenix, AZ, November 21, 2021-November 23, 2021

Furtak-Cole, E., Gillies, J. A. (2021). Momentum Extraction by Porous Forms from Boundary Layer Flows, The 16th Openfoam Workshop: Dublin, Ireland, June 7, 2021-June 11, 2021

Gabriel, L., Plunkett, G., Abbott, P., Tephra in the Greenland Ice cores: Insights into Icelandic volcano-climate impacts, EGU General Assembly 2021: [Virtual]

Gao, H., Huntington, J. L., Pearson, C., Toward Monitoring Daily Reservoir Evaporation Losses for the State of Texas, 101st American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: [Virtual], January 10, 2021-January 15, 2021


Gillies, J. A., McKenna Neuman, C., O’Brien, P. (2021). Flow around surface-mounted permeable cubes on solid and deformable surfaces, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 21, 619-641, 10.1007/s10652-021-09789-3


Conference Proceedings
Giordano, M., Hamill, P. J., Wilcox, E.M. (2021). On an Optical-Physical Aerosol Typology Based in AERONET Data to Define Aerosol Subtypes for Deployment in Modeling Applications, 2021 Winter Meeting 101, American Meteorological Association: [Virtual], January 10, 2021-January 15, 2021, 13th Symposium on Aerosol – Cloud – Climate Interactions – Advances in Observational and Modeling Studies of the Role of Mineral Dust in the Earth system. Part II, Paper Number 12.11A.

Giordano, M., Wilcox, E.M., Hamill, P. J. (2021). Progress on the Development of a Multi-decadal Historic Global Ground-Based Monthly Seasonal Aerosol Climatology, Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union: New Orleans, LA USA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021, A35K-1797/916384


Giordano, M. (2021). An Historic Global Ground-based Monthly Seasonal Aerosol Climatology Based in AERONET Data: A Database 1993-2013, 10.5061/dray.0vt4b8h0d


Conference Proceedings
Giordano, M. (2021). On Physics and Poetry: Expression of Universal Experience and Observation – Further Pursuit Within the Mutual Phase Space, Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Meeting: Houston, TX USA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021, ED42A-06


Gleason, K., McEvoy, D. J., Rosencrans, M. (2021). NOAA Climate Science and Services Monthly Climate Update, NOAA: virtual, August 15, 2021-August 15, 2021


Glose, T. J., Lowry, C. S., Hausner, M. B. (2021). Examining the utility of continuously quantified Darcy fluxes through the use of periodic temperature time series, Journal of Hydrology, 595, 125675, 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125675


Conference Proceedings
Gordon, B. L., Harpold, A., Carroll, R. W., Accounting for built and natural storage is necessary to estimate the true vulnerability of downstream water supplies, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021


Goreham, J., Hartwell, W. T., Karr, L. H., 2020 Environmental Report – Chapter 7: Community-Based Offsite Monitoring, U.S. DOE, DOE/NV/03624–1210

Goreham, J., Miller, J. J., Chapman, J. B. (2021). Analytical Results for the Tonopah Test Range (TTR) Air Sampling Stations: First Quarter CY2021, Paginated by section

Goreham, J., Miller, J. J., Chapman, J. B. (2021). Analytical Results for the Tonopah Test Range (TTR) Air Sampling Stations: Fourth Quarter CY2020, Paginated by section

Goreham, J., Miller, J. J., Chapman, J. B. (2021). Analytical Results for the Tonopah Test Range (TTR) Air Sampling Stations: Second Quarter CY2021

Graham, H., Murray, A. E. (2021). Collaborative Partnerships for Improved Astrobiology Science Outcomes, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53 (4), 492

Guo, Q., Bandala, E. R., Goonetilleke, A., Application of Chlorella pyrenoidosa embedded biochar beads for water treatment., Journal of Water Process Engineering, 40, 101892

Gupta, S., Lehmann, P., Bonetti, S., Global Prediction of Soil Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Using Random Forest in a Covariate‐Based GeoTransfer Function (CoGTF) Framework, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 13 (4), e2020MS002242

Gupta, S., Lehmann, P., Papritz, A., Global Mapping of Soil Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Combining Legacy Data, Spatial Covariates and Machine Learning, Copernicus Meetings

Hand, K., Murray, A. E., Garvin, J. B., Science of the Europa Lander Mission Concept, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53 (4), 352

Hand, K., Phillips, C. B., Chyba, C. F., On the Past, Present, and Future Role of Biology in NASA’s Exploration of our Solar System, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53 (4), 229

Hartshorn, E. J., McDonald, E. V., Weir, W. B., An Integrated Model Combining UAS Imagery and PI-SWERL for Evaluating Intra-Landform Dust Emission Variability, Report Prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Hatchett, B. J., Benmarhnia, T., Guirguis, K., Mobility data aids assessment of human responses to extreme environmental conditions, The Lancet Planetary Health, 5 (10), e665-e667, 10.1016/S2542-5196(21)00261-8


Conference Proceedings
Hatchett, B. J., McGuire, L., Youberg, A., The role of drought in the persistence of post-fire hydrologic hazards, AGU Annual Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 15, 2021-December 15, 2021

Hausner, M. B., Pearson, C., Morton, C. G., Analyzing trends in Tahoe Basin meadows using the Landsat archive and gridded meteorological data, Annual Meeting of the Nevada Water Resources Association, January 25, 2021-January 28, 2021


Hausner, M. B., Rybarski, S. C., Lyles, B. F., Numerical modeling of heat and mass transfer around buried munitions, Contract W913E5-19-C-0007, Final Report to US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab: [not for public release]

Haynes, G., Stueve, M. (2021). Rock Art Management Plan for Eight Pictograph Sites, U.S. Army Garrison Fort Hunter Liggett, Monterey County, California

Heintz, K. M., Pohlmann, K. F. (2021). Pahute Mesa Hydrology: Assessment of Elevated Water Levels in Pahute Mesa Post-shot Holes (DOE/NV/0003590-67)

Henao Castaneda, J. J., Rendón, A. M., Hernández, K. S., (2021). Differential Effects of the COVID-19 Lockdown and Regional Fire on the Air Quality of Medellín, Colombia, Atmosphere, 12 (9), 1137, 10.3390/atmos12091137


Conference Proceedings
Henriksen, D., Mishra, P., Muñoz, C., Creating STEAM by Design: Beyond STEM and Arts Integration, NV STEAM Conference: [Virtual], February 3, 2021


Hoekman, S.K., Welstand, J. S. (2021). Vehicle Emissions and Air Quality: The Early Years (1940s?1950s), Atmosphere, 12 (10), 1-30, https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos12101354

Hoffmann, K., Fernandoy, F., Meyer, H., Short‐Term Meteorological and Environmental Signals Recorded in a Firn Core from a High‐Accumulation Site on Plateau Laclavere, Antarctic Peninsula, Geosciences, 11 (10), 10.3390/geosciences11100428

Howell, S., Stone, W. C., Craft, K., Ocean Worlds exploration and the search for life, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53 (4), 191

Hu, Y., Odman, M. T., Russell, A. G., Biases in air quality models capturing ozone trends at the urban, regional and national scales: Impacts on Relative Response Factors (RRFs), Atmospheric Environment, 266, Article No. 118722. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118722


Conference Proceedings
Hubbard, S. S., Agarwal, D., Arora, B., The Watershed Function SFA: Mountainous System Hydrobiogeochemical Response to Disturbance across Genome to Watershed Scales, U.S. Department of Energy, Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting: [Virtual], August 17, 2021-August 19, 2021

Huntington, J. L., Erickson, T., Harring, J., Multi-source Earth Observation Data and FAIR Data Principles for Improved Natural Resource Management and Decision Making, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021

Huntington, J. L., Melton, F., Grimm, R., OpenET: Filling the Biggest Gap in Water Data for the Western U.S., Annual Meeting of the Nevada Water Resources Association, January 25, 2021-January 28, 2021


Huntington, J. L., Pearson, C., Minor, B. A., Appendix G: Upper Colorado River Basin OpenET Intercomparison Summary, . Report submitted to United States Bureau of Reclamation

Hwang, B., Fang, T., Pham, R., Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals, Reactive Oxygen Species Generation, and Oxidative Potential of Highway PM2.5, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 5 (8), 1865-1875, 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.1c00135


Conference Proceedings
Johnson, K., Carroll, R. W., Raleigh, M., Interannual variations in snow accumulation and melt govern variability in groundwater contributions across the western USA, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021


Jung, H., Wu, G., Chen, L.-W.A., Real-world tire and brake wear emissions – Draft Final Report, Submitted to California Air Resources Board, Sacramento, CA.

Kakalia, Z., Varadharajan, C., Alper, E., The East River Community Observatory Data Collection: Diverse, Multiscale data from a mountainous watershed in the East River, Hydrological Processes, e14243, 35 (6), https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.14243

Kaplan, M. L., James, C. N., Ising, J., The Multi-Scale Dynamics Organizing a Favorable Environment for Convective Density Currents that Redirected the Yarnell Hill Fire, Climate, 9 (12), 170, 10.3390/cli9120170

Keeley, J. E., Guzman-Morales, J., Gershunov, A., (2021). Ignitions explain more than temperature or precipitation in driving Santa Ana wind fires, Science Advances, 7, Article No. eabh2262


Conference Proceedings
Keirins, D., Zhi, W., Sullivan, P. L., Increased DOC concentrations and earlier streamflow generation in response to warming in a high elevation mountain watershed in Colorado, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021


Khalid, A., Miesse, T., Erfani, E., Evaluating storm surge predictability on subseasonal timescales for flood forecasting applications: A case study for Hurricane Isabel and Katrina, Weather and Climate Extremes, 34, 100378, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wace.2021.100378


Conference Proceedings
Khlystov, A. Y., Samburova, V., Sengupta, D., What’s in the Smoke? Chemical Composition of Smoke and its Effect on Climate and Health, DRI Lightning Lunches: Reno and Las Vegas, NV, January 12, 2021

Kilic, A., Allen, R. G., Blankenau, P., Global production and free access to Landsat-scale Evapotranspiration with EEFlux and eeMETRIC, 6th Decennial National Irrigation Symposium, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers: San Diego, CA, December 6, 2021-December 8, 2021


Kiosak, D., Kotova, N., Tinner, W., The last hunter-gatherers and early farmers of the Middle Southern Buh river valley (Central Ukraine) in VIII?V Mill. BC, Radiocarbon, 10.1017/RDC.2020.120

Kiser, D., Elhanan, G., Metcalf, W., SARS-CoV-2 test positivity rate in Reno, Nevada: association with PM2.5 during the 2020 wildfire smoke events in the western United States, Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology, 31 (5), 797-803, Nature Publishing Group US, 10.1038/s41370-021-00366-w


Conference Proceedings
Koning, D., Love, D. W., Sion, B., Middle-late Pleistocene geomorphic evolution of the eastern San Marcial basin, southern Rio Grande rift, New Mexico, 31-32, New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting: Socorro, New Mexico, April 15, 2021-April 16, 2021


Kumar, N., Park, R. J., Jeong, J. I., Contributions of international sources to PM2.5 in South Korea, Atmospheric Environment, 261, Article No. 118542. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118542

Kwicklis, E., Farnham, I., Hershey, R. L., Understanding long-term groundwater flow at Pahute Mesa and vicinity, Nevada National Security Site, USA, from naturally occurring geochemical and isotopic tracers., Hydrogeology Journal, 29, 2725-2749, Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-021-02397-x

Lancaster, N., Bacon, S. N., Bullard, T. F., Tectonic, hydrogeologic, and climatic controls on Late Holocene dune formation, China Lake basin, Indian Wells Valley, California, USA, Quaternary Research, 1-17, 10.1017/qua.2021.62

Lancaster, N., Bacon, S., Bullard, T. F., Tectonic, hydrogeologic, and climatic controls on Late Holocene dune formation, China Lake Basin, Indian Wells Valley, California, USA, Quaternary Research, 1-17, October 27, 2021

Lapuerta, M., González-Correa, S., Cereceda-Balic, F., (2021). Comparison of Equations Used to Estimate Soot Agglomerate Absorption Efficiency with the Rayleigh-Debye-Gans Approximation, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 262, 107522, 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2021.107522

Lehmann, P., Leshchinsky, B., Gupta, S., Clays are not created equal–effects of clay mineral type on soil hydraulic and mechanical properties, Copernicus Meetings

Li, B., Ho, S.S.H., Li, X., A comprehensive review on anthropogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emission estimates in China: Comparison and outlook, Environment International, 156, Article No. 106710.

Li, B., Ho, S.S.H., Qu, L., Temporal and spatial discrepancies of VOCs in an industrial-dominant city in China during summertime, Chemosphere, 264, Article No. 128536.


Conference Proceedings
Light, S., Yuan, T., Song, H., Analyzing Micro- and Macrophysical Properties of Tropical Deep Convective Cloud Objects, American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, 34th Conference on Climate Variability and Change, January 10, 2021-January 15, 2021, 962


Lin, Y., Pham, L., Wang, X., Evaluation of Fast Mobility Particle Sizer (FMPS) for Ambient Aerosol Measurement, Aerosol Air Qual. Res., 21 (4), Article No. 200525. 10.4209/aaqr.200525


Conference Proceedings
Lindley, T. T., Daily, D. C., Brown, T. J. (2021). A ‘domino fall’ guidance process linking climate to strategic seasonal actions for fire operations in Oklahoma, 13th Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology, American Meteorological Society: [Virtual], May 11, 2021-May 13, 2021

Liu, P., Kaplan, J., Mickley, L., Improved estimates of preindustrial biomass burning reduce the magnitude of aerosol climate forcing in the Southern Hemisphere, AGU Fall Meeting 2021: New Orleans, LA


Lu, Z., Wang, J., Xu, X., Hourly Mapping of the Layer Height of Thick Smoke Plumes Over the Western U.S. in 2020 Severe Fire Season, Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 2, 36


Conference Proceedings
Lutz, A., Olsen, C., Tate, A., Identifying Mineral Precipitate Formation in Nevada Pit Lakes, Nevada Water Resources Association: Sparks, Nevada, October 13, 2021-October 14, 2021


Mady, B., Lehmann, P., Or, D. (2021). Evaporation suppression from small reservoirs using floating covers-Field study and modeling, Water Resources Research, 57 (4), e2020WR028753

Mahaffy, P., Weng, M., Arevalo, R., Agnostic Biosignature Exploration at Europa through Plume Sampling, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53 (4), 059

Marcotte, A. L., Neudorf, C.M., Langston, A. L. (2021). Lateral bedrock erosion and valley formation in a heterogeneously layered landscape, Northeast Kansas, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 1-16, June 23, 2021


Conference Proceedings
Mason, E., Edmonds, M., McConnell, J. R. (2021). Understanding past volcanism from ice core records of volatile metals, AGU Fall Meeting 2021: New Orleans, LA

McAdams, D., Baumgardner, D., Wilcox, E.M., Holographic Cloud Particle Imager (HCPI) Phase IIB Update, PI/Science Team Meeting DOE ARM/ASR Annual PI/Science TEAM Meeting 2021: [Virtual], June 21, 2021-June 24, 2021

McConnell, J. R., Chellman, N. J., Brugger, S., Industrial Aerosols and Ancient History in Arctic Ice, The 5th International Frozen Past: Glacial & Ice Patch Archaeology Conference: Chico Hot Springs, MT


McConnell, J. R., Chellman, N. J., Mulvaney, R., Hemispheric black carbon increase after the 13th-century M’ori arrival in New Zealand, Nature, 598 (7879), 82-85, 10.1038/s41586-021-03858-9


Conference Proceedings
McConnell, J. R., Chellman, N. J., Mulvaney, R., Persistent, three-fold higher black carbon concentrations over the northern Antarctic Peninsula and Southern Ocean following late 13th C settlement of New Zealand, AGU Fall Meeting 2021: New Orleans, LA, Invited presentation.

McConnell, J. R., Sigl, M., Plunkett, G., Records of explosive volcanism in ice: Assessing impacts on climate and society, The 5th International Frozen Past: Glacial & Ice Patch Archaeology Conference: Chico Hot Springs, MT

McConnell, J. R. (2021). Ancient history from lead pollution in Arctic ice, An interdisciplinary view of Human Traces Workshop: [Virtual]

McConnell, J. R. (2021). Volcanism and effects on climate during the Roman Republican expansion (~300 to 1 BCE), Climate and the Roman Conquest of Italy Workshop: Toronto, Ontario, Canada


McCullum, A. J., McClellan, C., Daudert, B., Satellite-based Drought Reporting on the Navajo Nation, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 57 (5), 675-691, 10.1111/1752-1688.12909


Conference Proceedings
McEvoy, D. J., Hatchett, B. J. (2021). Late Onset of Extreme Snow Drought in the Western US in 2021: Origins and Impacts, AGU Annual Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 15, 2021-December 15, 2021


McEvoy, D. J., McAfee, S., Hanan, E., The Ongoing CA/NV Drought: A Panel Discussion, UNR Graduate Program of Hydrologic Science: virtual, October 1, 2021-October 1, 2021


Conference Proceedings
McEvoy, D. J. (2021). Advanced Rangeland Monitoring with ClimateEngine.org, US Forest Service Rangeland Technology Summit: virtual, April 5, 2021-April 7, 2021


McEvoy, D. J. (2021). Confessions of a Climatologist: I really don’t know if it will snow a lot this winter, DRI Science Distilled: Virtual Edition: virtual, January 15, 2021-January 15, 2021

McEvoy, D. J. (2021). Drought and Climate Status Update and Outlook, NIDIS CA-NV DEWS Drought and Climate Outlook: virtual, March 22, 2021-March 22, 2021

McEvoy, D. J. (2021). Drought In the Desert: A look at the drivers of atmospheric and land surface drying in the arid Southwest and regional impacts, Nevada International Women’s Forum Webinar: virtual, October 6, 2021-October 6, 2021

McEvoy, D. J. (2021). Drought Monitoring Resources from the Western Regional Climate Center, National Weather Service Western States Drought Workshop: virtual, June 17, 2021-June 17, 2021

McEvoy, D. J. (2021). Evolution and Historical Context of the 2021 Pacific Northwest Drought, Columbia River Forecast Group WY2021 Summer Meeting: virtual, September 9, 2021-September 9, 2021

McEvoy, D. J. (2021). Tracking the Extreme Western US Drought Using Climate Engine, American Water Works Association Webinar Series: virtual, August 24, 2021-August 24, 2021

McEvoy, D. J. (2021). Western US Drought and Climate Update, US Forest Service, A West–Wide Rangeland Fuel Assessment: Uncharted Territory: virtual, June 4, 2021-June 4, 2021


Melton, F., Huntington, J. L., Grimm, R., OpenET: Filling a Critical Data Gap in Water Management for the Western United States, JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, https://doi.org/10.1111/1752-1688.12956

Miller, J. J., Bacon, S. N., Chapman, J. B. (2021). Update of Erosion Conditions and Assessment of Mitigation Options for the L-Bar Site, DRI Report # 41286


Conference Proceedings
Mitchell, D. L., Mejia, J. F., Garnier, A. (2021). How realistic are explicit CCT simulations in climate models?, Climate Engineering in Context Conference: Potsdam, Germany, October 4, 2021-October 8, 2021


Mizell, S. A., Nikolich, G., Goreham, J., Project 57 Air Monitoring Report: January 1 through December 31, 2019, paginated by section, DRI 45297; DOE/NV/0003590-64

Mizell, S. A., Nikolich, G., Goreham, J., Project 57 Air Monitoring Report: January 1 through September 30, 2020, with a Review of the Period of Record Radionuclide Analyses, Paginated by section, DRI Report #45298; DOE/NV/0003590-70

Montzka, C., Cosh, M., Nickeson, J., Soil moisture product validation good practices protocol

Moosmüller, H., Campbell, D. E., Wang, X., COVID-19 Surface Disinfection Using Aerosol-Scattered UVC Light, Nevada, Report Prepared for Karsten Heise: Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development, January 18, 2021

Moosmüller, H., Giri, R., Sorensen, C. M., Black Metal Nanoparticles from Abrasion Processes in Everyday Life: Bicycle Drivetrains and Rock-Climbing Ropes, Opt. Commun., 479, Article Co. 126413, 10.1016/j.optcom.2020.126413


Conference Proceedings
Moosmüller, H. (2021). Nevada’s Current NSF EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement (RII) Track 1 Proposal: Harnessing the Data Revolution for Fire Science, DRI Lightning Lunches: Reno and Las Vegas, NV, January 12, 2021

Murray, A. E., Ernster, N. E., Harrold, Z. R., Biosignature detection using the analyzer of nanoscale textures for objects in near-surface ice on Europa (ANTONIE), Europa Lander Instrument Workshop: [Virtual], May, 2021

Murray, A. E., Lo, C., Daligault, H. E., Discovery of an Antarctic ascidian-associated uncultivated Verrucomicrobia that encodes antimelanoma palmerolide biosynthetic capacity, US-SCAR: [Virtual], July, 2021


Murray, A. E., Lo, C., Daligault, H. E., Discovery of an Antarctic ascidian-associated uncultivated Verrucomicrobia with antimelanoma palmerolide biosynthetic potential, mSphere, 6, Article No. e00759-21.

Murray, A. E., Lo, C., Daligault, H. E., Discovery of an Antarctic Ascidian-Associated Uncultivated Verrucomicrobia with Antimelanoma Palmerolide Biosynthetic Potential, mSphere, 6 (6), e00759-21, American Society for Microbiology, 10.1128/mSphere.00759-21


Conference Proceedings
Murray, A. E., Lo, C., Daligault, H. E., Metagenome-enabled insights into host-microbe ecology of a macrolide-producing Antarctic ascidian microbiome, Pacifichem 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu HI: [Virtual], December, 2021

Murray, A. E., Lundin, E., Harrold, Z. R., Detection of active life at the nanoscale using a novel nanomotion detection system, Pacifichem 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu HI: [Virtual], December, 2021

Murray, A. E. (2021). Charting the Course to Ocean Worlds, Brines Across the Solar System – Modern Brines Conference, Lunar and Planetary Science Institute, Houston, TX: [Virtual], October 25, 2021-October 28, 2021

Murray, A. E. (2021). Establishing a new system for naming uncultivated microorganisms – a global microbiology need examined through the window of an Antarctic microbial symbiosis, University of Nevada Microbiology and Immunology Seminar: [Virtual], March, 2021.

Murray, A. E. (2021). Roadmap to naming uncultivated Archaea and Bacteria, Path forward for Naming the Uncultivated Workshop Series: [Virtual], February, 2021

Murray, A. E. (2021). Signs of Life from the Cryosphere, Extremophiles 2021 Webinar. Athens, Greece: [Virtual], September 22, 2021-September 23, 2021


Nadarajah, K., Bandala, E. R., Zhang, Z., Removal of heavy metals from water using engineered hydrochar: Kinetics and mechanistic approaches, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 40, 101929

Nash, C. S., Grant, G. E., Charnley, S., Great Expectations: Deconstructing the Process Pathways Underlying Beaver-related Restoration, BioScience, 71 (3), 249-267, 10.1093/biosci/biaa165

Nava, V., Das, K., Amin, V. R., Quantification of carboxyl-functionalized multiwall carbon nanotubes in plant tissues with programmed thermal analysis, Journal of Environmental Quality, 50, 278–285, 10.1002/jeq2.20180


Conference Proceedings
Neudorf, C.M., Jenkins, G. T., Wriston, T. (2021). Investigating the luminescence dating potential of beach pebbles associated with the last (~16 ka) pluvial lake highstand in the Great Basin, USA, Ancient TL, 39 (S), LED 2021: Online, October 13, 2021-October 17, 2021

Newcomer, M., Bouskill, N., Rogers, B., Towards a conceptual framework of watershed nitrogen retention and loss across scale, U.S. Department of Energy, Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting: [Virtual], August 17, 2021-August 19, 2021


Niu, X., Wang, Y., Ho, S.S.H., Characterization of organic aerosols in PM1 and their cytotoxicity in an urban roadside area in Hong Kong, Chemosphere, 263, Article No. 128239.

Obrist, D., Roy, E. M., Harrison, J. L., Previously Unaccounted Atmospheric Mercury Deposition in a Midlatitude Deciduous Forest, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 118 (29), e2105477118, 10.1073/pnas.2105477118

Osman, M., Coats, S., Das, S. B., North Atlantic jet stream projections in the context of the past 1,250 years, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 118 (38), Article No. e2104105118. 10.1073/pnas.2104105118

Osman, M., Smith, B., Trusel, L., Abrupt Common Era hydroclimate shifts drive west Greenland ice cap change, Nature Geoscience, 14 (10), 756-761, Nature Publishing Group

Pairis, A. (2021). Status of Tribes and Climate Change Report, Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, Status of Tribes and Climate Change Report: https://sites.google.com/view/stacc2021-itep/about-the-stacc-report


Conference Proceedings
Parashar, R., Perez, L. J., Plymale, A., Heterogeneous Flow Field in Presence of Biofilms and its Impact on Solute Transport and Retention, AGU Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021


Pearson, C., Huntington, J. L., Volk, J. M., Agricultural Evapotranspiration and Net Irrigation Water Requirements for the Upper Colorado River Basin: 2020 ET Demands Model Summary, Report summitted to United States Bureau of Reclamation.

Pereira, T. J., Chiquoine, L. O., Larranaga, A. J., (2021). Seed germination of a rare gypsum-associated species, Arctomecon californica (Papaveraceae), in the Mojave Desert, Journal of Arid Environments, 184, 104313, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaridenv.2020.104313


Conference Proceedings
Pereira, T. J. (2021). The Art of Science, NV STEAM: [Virtual], February 6, 2021

Perez, L. J., Bebis, G., McKenna, S., Estimating solute transport in heterogeneous porous media via machine learning, AGU Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021


Perez, L. J., Bhattacharjee, T., Datta, S. S., Impact of confined geometries on hopping and trapping of motile bacteria in porous media, Physical Review E, 103 (1), 012611

Perez, L. J., Puyguiraud, A., Hidalgo, J. J., Upscaling Mixing-Controlled Reactions in Unsaturated Porous Media, Transport in Porous Media, 10.1007/s11242-021-01710-2


Conference Proceedings
Perez, L. J., Puyguiraud, A., Hidalgo, J. J., Upscaling mixing-controlled reactions in unsaturated porous media, AGU Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021

Pierce, D. W., Cayan, D. R., Brown, T. J. (2021). A Recent Increase in Extreme Low Relative Humidity Hours in the Southwestern U.S., American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021


Pilliod, D. S., Hausner, M. B., Scherer, R. D. (2021). From satellites to frogs: Quantifying ecohydrological change, drought mitigation, and population demography in desert meadows, Science of the Total Environment, 758, 143632, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143632

Polcher, J., Gulizia, C., Bahar, F., GEWEX Quarterly, No. 31, Vol. 2, International GEWEX Project Office

Potter, B. E., McEvoy, D. J. (2021). Weather Factors Associated with Extremely Large Fires and Fire Growth Days, Earth Interactions, 25 (1), 160-176, https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/eint/25/1/EI-D-21-0008.1.xml


Conference Proceedings
Pradhan, N., Floyd, I. E., Berli, M., Modelling post-fire runoff and erosion processes for emergency assessment of post-fire flood hazards, EGU General Assembly 2021: [Virtual], April 19, 2021-April 30, 2021, Paper no. EGU21-14028. 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14028


Read, R. W., Schlauch, K. A., Lombardi, V., Genome-Wide Identification of Rare and Common Variants Driving Triglyceride Levels in a Nevada Population, Frontiers in Genetics, 12


Conference Proceedings
Reitz, M., Huntington, J. L., Volk, J. M., A machine learning approach to weighting the remotely sensed ET ensemble members of OpenET, AGU Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA


Rennermalm, A. K., Hock, R., Corti, G., Shallow firn cores 1989-2019 in southwest Greenland’s percolation zone reveal decreasing density and ice layer volume after 2012, J. Glaciol., 1-12, 10.1017/jog.2021.102

Rey, F., Brügger, S., Gobet, E., 14,500 years of vegetation and land use history in the upper continental montane zone at Lac de Champex (Valais, Switzerland), Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 10.1007/s00334-021-00859-6

Rey, F., Brugger, S., Gobet, E., 14,500 years of vegetation and land use history in the upper continental montane zone at Lac de Champex (Valais, Switzerland), Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 10.1007/s00334-021-00859-6

Rippey, B., Fuchs, B., Simeral, D. B., The Drought Monitor Comes of Age, Weatherwise, 74 (2), 29-37, Routledge, March 1, 2021, 10.1080/00431672.2021.1873000

Robinne, F., Hallema, D., Bladon, K., Scientists’ warning on extreme wildfire risks to water supply, Hydrological Processes, n/a (n/a), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 10.1002/hyp.14086


Conference Proceedings
Rodrigues, K. D., Keen-Zebert, A. K., Huot, S. (2021). Exploring the use of luminescence techniques for dating volcanic glasses, Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (LED) 16th Annual Conference, September 13, 2021-September 17, 2021


Rodrigues, K. D., Stapor, F., Rink, W. J., A 5700-year-old beach-ridge set at Cape Canaveral, Florida, and its implication for Holocene sea-level history in the southeastern USA, The Holocene, 1-17

Rodriguez, O., Perez, L., Goonetilleke, A., Engineered technologies for the separation and degradation of microplastics in water: A review, Chemical Engineering Journal, 128692, 414

Rojas, I., Jennings, M., Conlisk, E., A landscape-scale framework to identify refugia from multiple stressors, Conservation Biology, open access, 23


Conference Proceedings
Rosen, C. S. (2021). Nevada STEM Networks, Global STEM Leadership Alliance Summit: [Virtual], July 14, 2021

Rudisill, W. J., Flores, A. N., Carroll, R. W. (2021). Applying hydrologic and snow data interference methods to evaluate dynamically downscaled precipitation fields, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021


Russell, C. E., Collins, C. M., French, R. H., Compilation and Evaluation of Data from Groundwater Impounded within the U12n and U12t Tunnels, Rainier and Aqueduct Mesas, Nevada National Security Site, DRI: Las Vegas, https://doi.org/10.2172/1836541

Rybarski, S. C., Pham, H. V. (2021). Subsidence Assessment of Pahrump Valley, Nevada, 65 pp., Desert Research Institute Maki Project.

Sabol, D. E., Hartshorn, E. J., McDonald, E. V., Spatial and temporal reflectance variability as it relates to dust emission at Willcox Playa, Arizona, 48, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory


Conference Proceedings
Saftner, D. M., Hosseinpour, F. E., Fenstermaker, L.F., (2021). NASA Proposal Writing Workshop, NV Space Grant and NASA EPSCoR Statewide Virtual Meeting: Reno and Las Vegas, NV, April 30, 2021

Saftner, D. M., Sion, B., Hosseinpour, F. E., NASA Proposal Writing Workshop, Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) Webinar: Reno and Las Vegas, NV, February 18, 2021

Saher, R., Mejia, J. F. (2021). Efficacy of White Roofs in Urban Outdoor Thermal Comfort, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021

Samburova, V., Berli, M., Sion, B., Sampling and Chemical Analysis of Post-Fire Soil Samples (Dixie and Caldor Fires), DRI’s Division of Atmospheric Sciences Science Talks: Desert Research Institute, Reno and Las Vegas, NV, November 30, 2021


Samburova, V., Moosmüller, H., Khlystov, A. Y. (2021). Detailed Analysis of Brown Carbon Constituents in Biomass Burning Emissions (Award Number AGS-1544425). Final report prepared for National Science Foundation, Division of Atmospheric Sciences., NSF


Conference Proceedings
Samburova, V., Sengupta, D., Bhattarai, C., Comprehensive Analysis of Organic Species in Fresh and Aged Biomass-Burning Emissions, International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem): Online, December 16, 2021-December 21, 2021


Samburova, V., Shillito, R. M., Berli, M., Effect of Biomass-Burning Emissions on Soil Water Repellency: A Pilot Laboratory Study, Fire, 4 (2), 10.3390/fire4020024

Schiabor Barrett, K., Bolze, A., Ni, Y., Positive predictive value highlights four novel candidates for actionable genetic screening from analysis of 220,000 clinicogenomic records, Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics, 23 (12), 2300-2308, Nature Publishing Group US, 10.1038/s41436-021-01293-9


Conference Proceedings
Seixas, M., Murray, A. E. (2021). Informing models of life in ocean World brines: lessons from active microbial life in briny waters of Lake Vida at -13 C., Nevada Space Grant and NASA EPSCoR Statewide meeting: [Virtual], April, 2021


Shen, M., Xu, H., Liu, S., Spatial distribution of PM 2.5 -bound elements in eighteen cities over China: policy implication and health risk assessment, Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 10.1007/s10653-021-00913-2

Shen, M., Xu, H., Liu, S., Spatial distribution of PM 2.5 -bound elements in eighteen cities over China: policy implication and health risk assessment, Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 10.1007/s10653-021-00913-2

Shevchenko, I., Engelbrecht, J. P., Mostamandi, S., (2021). Evaluation of minerals being deposited in the Red Sea using gravimetric, size distribution, and mineralogical analysis of dust deposition samples collected along the Red Sea coastal plain, Aeolian Research, 52, Paper No. 100717. 10.1016/j.aeolia.2021.100717


Conference Proceedings
Shillito, R. M., Berli, M., Floyd, I. E., Quantifying the effect of post-wildfire soil water repellency on runoff, 3rd ISMC Conference – Advances in Modeling Soil Systems: [Virtual]

Shillito, R. M., Berli, M., Ghezzehei, T. A., Post-fire soil water repellency, sorptivity and the measurement of infiltration, EGU General Assembly 2021: [Virtual], April 19, 2021-April 30, 2021, Paper no. EGU21-13078. 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13078

Shillito, R. M., Berli, M., Pradhan, N. R., The effect of water repellency on post-fire infiltration: Observations and model results, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021, EOS-Abstract no. 986838.

Shillito, R. M., Berli, M. (2021). Wildfire and soil physical properties, W-4188 Soil Physics Group: [Virtual]


Shourd, K. N., Kaplan, M. L. (2021). The Multiscale Dynamics of the 29 June 2012 Super Derecho, Climate, 9 (11), 155, 10.3390/cli9110155


Conference Proceedings
Shukla, S., Grace, K., Ali, A., Forecasting agropastoral water deficits in West Africa to support food insecurity early warning, European Geophysical Union: virtual, April 15, 2021-April 15, 2021

Shukla, S., McEvoy, D. J., Tinni, S., Application of subseasonal scale climate forecasts in supporting food-insecurity early warning, AGU Annual Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 15, 2021-December 15, 2021

Simeral, D. B. (2021). Climate & Drought Status Update, NOAA NIDIS Western Drought Crisis Webinar: Virtual, July 20, 2021

Simeral, D. B. (2021). Current Drought Conditions & Outlooks for the Southwest U.S., Southwest Drought Briefing Webinar: USDA Southwest Climate Hub | NOAA NIDIS, January 22, 2021

Simeral, D. B. (2021). U.S. Drought Monitor Process, Alaska Drought Webinar Series: University of Alaska, Fairbank | Alaska Center for Climate Assessment & Policy, February 18, 2021

Simeral, D. B. (2021). Western Drought Update, NOAA NWS AFS2 All Hands Meeting: Virtual, August 23, 2021

Simeral, D. B. (2021). Western Drought Update, USDA Fall Data Users’ Meeting, Climate Information for Informed Decision Making, Session A: Virtual, October 14, 2021

Simeral, D. B. (2021). Western Regional Climate Center Overview & Update, Biennial U.S. Drought Monitor Forum: Virtual, October 21, 2021-October 22, 2021

Sion, B., Baish, C. J., Brown, D., Soils developed beneath a relict geomorphic surface in southern New Mexico (USA) indicate episodic regional scale surface instability, ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting: Salt Lake City, UT, November 7, 2021-November 10, 2021, 1239


Sion, B., McDonald, E. V., Lyles, B. F., Determining field-based relations between variable soil moisture and soil strength, 38, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, W913E5-19-C-0009

Sion, B., Sabol, D. E., Weir, W. B., Examining the Utility of an Electromagnetic Induction Sensor for Prediction of Soil Strength Conditions, 41, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, W913E-19-C-0009

Sion, B., Weir, W. B., McDonald, E. V. (2021). Assessment of numerical vadose zone models and empirical relationships between soil moisture and soil strength for vehicle mobility applications, 25, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, W913E5-19-C-0009

Solomon, P., Hyatt, A., Hansen, A., Methodology to create reproducible validation/reference materials for comparison of filter-based measurements of carbonaceous aerosols that measure BC, BrC, EC, OC, and TC, Metrology, 1 (2), 142-165, 10.3390/metrology1020010


Conference Proceedings
Son, Y., Carranza, C., Torres, M., Association Between Particle Load in Alveolar Macrophages and Air Pollution Particulate Matter Exposures in México City, A3175-A3175, American Thoracic Society, May 15, 2021-May 19, 2021

Son, Y., Cho, J. (2021). Current Trends in Air Quality Forecasting using a Machine Learning Technique, ICT-Advanced Engineering Society, International Conference on Advanced Engineering and ICT-Convergence: Seoul, Korea, July 7, 2021-July 9, 2021


Son, Y., Khlystov, A. Y. (2021). An Automated Aerosol Collection and Extraction System to Characterize Electronic Cigarette Aerosols, Frontiers in Chemistry, 9 (764730), 1-7, November 4, 2021

Spoon, J., Kruger, B. R., Arnold, R. W., Tribal Revegetation Project: Final Project Report, 92-Acre Area, Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Complex, Nevada National Security Site, Nevada, paginated by section, DOE/NV/0003590-62


Conference Proceedings
Sprenger, M., Carroll, R. W., Siirila-Woodburn, E. R., (2021). Variability of snow and rainfall partitioning into evapotranspiration and summer runoff across eight mountainous catchments, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021

Sprenger, M., Carroll, R. W., Woodburn, E., Snowmelt dynamics and its contributions to catchment water partitioning, U.S. Department of Energy, Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting: [Virtual], August 17, 2021-August 19, 2021

Stahle, D., Pederson, G., McWethy, D., A forest entombed in ice: A unique record of mid-Holocene climate and ecosystem change, The 5th International Frozen Past: Glacial & Ice Patch Archaeology Conference: Chico Hot Springs, MT


Stephens, S., Thompson, S., Boisramé, G., Fire, water, and biodiversity in the Sierra Nevada: A possible triple win, Environmental Research Communications, 10.1088/2515-7620/ac17e2

Stevenson, E., Kleinman, M., Bai, X., 2021 Critical review discussion: Critical review on PFOA, kidney cancer, and testicular cancer, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 71 (10), 1265-1276, Taylor & Francis, 10.1080/10962247.2021.1975995

Stone, W., Howell, S., Bramall, N., National Ocean Worlds Analog Test Facility and Field Station, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 53 (4), 416

Stueve, M. (2021). Review of Kindred: Neanderthal Life, Love, Death and Art, On Knowing Humanity, 5 (1), 49-50

Sun, J., Shen, Z., Wang, R., A comprehensive study on ozone pollution in a megacity in North China Plain during summertime: Observations, source attributions and ozone sensitivity, Environment International, 146, Article No. 106279.

Sund, N. L., Parashar, R., Pham, H. V. (2021). Upscaling of transport through discrete fracture networks via random walk: A comparison of models, Physical Review E, 103 (6), 062116


Conference Proceedings
Sweetlove, M., Gan, Y., Murray, A. E., POLA3R: an online portal for DNA-based biodiversity and ecological data from the poles, Research Data Alliance (RDA) 17th Plenary Meeting: [Virtual], April, 2021

Sweetlove, M., Gan, Y., Murray, A. E., POLA3R: an online portal for DNA-based biodiversity and ecological data from the poles, World Microbe Forum: [Virtual], June, 2021


Tang, C., He, C., Li, Y., Diverse responses of hydrodynamics, nutrients and algal biomass to water diversion in a eutrophic shallow lake, Journal of Hydrology, 593, Article No. 125933. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125933

Teitelbaum, Y., Dallmann, J., Phillips, C., Dynamics of Hyporheic Exchange Flux and Fine Particle Deposition Under Moving Bedforms, Water Resources Research, American Geophysical Union, March 12, 2021


Conference Proceedings
Teresa, W., Adams, K. D., Neudorf, C. M. (2021). Understanding Lake Coal and the Earliest Peoples of Coal Valley, Lincoln County, Nevada, GBAC 2021 Paleoindian Symposium: Las Vegas, October 13, 2021-October 16, 2021

Thiros, N. E., Gardner, W. P., Siirila-Woodburn, E. R., (2021). Role of long-residence time bedrock groundwater on shallow soil hydraulic dynamics in a mountain catchment, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021


Thomas, J. M., Hershey, R. L., Fereday, W. H., Using carbon-14 of dissolved organic carbon to determine groundwater age and travel times I aquifers with low organic carbon., Applied Geochemistry, 124, Elsevier

Umek, J. W. (2021). Eastern Sierra Nevada Riparian Areas Assessment for Fuels Reduction

Umek, J. W. (2021). Movement of synthetic organic compounds in the food web after the introduction of invasive quagga mussels (Dreissena bugensis) in Lake Mead, Nevada and Arizona, USA, Science of the Total Environment, 752, 141845 – 141860, Elsevier, January 15, 2021


Conference Proceedings
van Wijk, J., Axen, G. J., Grapenthin, R., Emplacement of a Mid-Crustal Sill in an Active Continental Rift: the Socorro Magma Body, Rio Grande Rift, AGU Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 16, 2021, T42A-05


Vega, E., Lopez-Veneroni, D., Ramirez, O., Particle-bound PAHs and chemical composition, sources, and health risk of PM 2.5 in a highly industrialized corridor in Central Mexico, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, accepted

Vega, E., Lopez-Veneroni, D., Ramirez, O., Particle-bound PAHs and chemical composition, sources, and health risk of PM 2.5 in a highly industrialized corridor in Central Mexico, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 21, 210047, 10.4209/aaqr.210047

Venturelli, L., Harrold, Z. R., Murray, A. E., Nanomechanical bio-sensing for fast and reliable detection of viability and susceptibility of microorganisms, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 348, Article No. 130650.10.1016/j.snb.2021.130650.

Verma, M., Pervez, S., Chow, J. C., Assessing the magnitude of PM 2.5 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emissions from residential solid fuel combustion and associated health hazards in South Asia, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 101142, 10.1016/j.apr.2021.101142

Verma, M., Pervez, S., Chow, J., Assessing the magnitude of PM 2.5 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emissions from residential solid fuel combustion and associated health hazards in South Asia, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 101142, 10.1016/j.apr.2021.101142

Villasenor-Basulto, D., Picos-Benitez, A., Bravo-Yumi, N., (2021). Electro-Fenton mineralization of diazo dye Black NT2 using a pre-pilot flow plant, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 89, Article No. 115492.

Volk, J. M., Huntington, J. L., Allen, R., flux-data-qaqc: A Python Package for Energy Balance Closure and Post-Processing of Eddy Flux Data, Journal of Open Source Software, 6 (66), 3418


Conference Proceedings
Volk, J. M., Huntington, J. L., Melton, F. S., OpenET Satellite-based ET Intercomparisons with Ground-based Measurements: Phase II Results, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021


Volkova, E., Narayanan Nair, A., Engelbrecht, J. P., (2021). Molecular Dynamics Modeling of Kaolinite Particle Associations, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125 (43), 24126-24136, American Chemical Society, 10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c06598


Conference Proceedings
Wall, T. U., Brown, T. J. (2021). Building the capacity of people to use the new drought.gov, Fourth National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Workshop: [Virtual], October 4, 2021-October 7, 2021

Wall, T. U., VanderMolen, K.A. (2021). Wildfire Smoke and De-energization: Impacts on Sierra Businesses, National Council for Science and the Environment: Virtual, January 5, 2021-January 7, 2021

Wall, T. U. (2021). Linking Fire Weather Products to Practitioners, DRI Lightning Talk: Virtual, January 12, 2021


Wang, B., Lau, Y. S., Huang, Y., Chemical and toxicological characterization of particulate emissions from diesel vehicles, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 405, Article No. 124613.

Wang, J., Chen, L. (2021). The effect of hillslope geometry on Hortonian rainfall-infiltration-runoff processes, Journal of Hydrology, 594, 125962, 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.125962

Wang, L., Shen, Z., He, K., A long-term chemical characteristics and source apportionment of atmospheric rainfall in a northwest megacity of Xi’an, China, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28 (24), 31207-31217.

Wang, X., Chen, L.-W.A., Ho, K. F., Comparison of Vehicle Emissions by EMFAC-HK Model and Tunnel Measurement in Hong Kong, Atmospheric Environment, 256, Article No. 118452. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118452

Watson, J. G., Cao, J., Wang, X., PM 2.5 pollution in China’s Guanzhong Basin and US’s San Joaquin Valley Mega-Regions, Faraday Discussions, 226, 255-289, 10.1039/D0FD00094A

Watson, J. G., Chow, J. C., Wang, X., Hong Kong fine particulate matter (PM 2.5 ) chemical compositions January 1, 2020 ? December 31, 2020, Desert Research Institute for Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department: Reno, NV

Watson, J. G., Chow, J. C. (2021). ArcelorMittal Tubarão particulate matter monitoring network data description, design, and analysis plan, Desert Research Institute for ArcelorMittal Tubarao: Reno, NV, USA

Watson, J., Chow, J., Wang, X., Hong Kong fine particulate matter (PM 2.5 ) chemical compositions January 1, 2020 ? December 31, 2020, Desert Research Institute for Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department: Reno, NV

Wei, C., Bandowe, B., Han, Y., Polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAHs, oxygenated PAHs, nitrated PAHs, and azaarenes) in air from four climate zones of China: Occurrence, gas/particle partitioning, and health risks, Science of the Total Environment, 786, 147234, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147234

Wei, C., Bandowe, B., Han, Y., Polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAHs, oxygenated PAHs, nitrated PAHs, and azaarenes) in air from four climate zones of China: Occurrence, gas/particle partitioning, and health risks, Science of the Total Environment, 786, 147234, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147234


Conference Proceedings
Wilcox, E.M., Giordano, M., Wang, J. (2021). An investigation of potential global indicators of light-absorbing aerosol effects and their impacts on the boundary layer and lower troposphere, American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, 13th Symposium on Aerosol – Cloud – Climate Interactions, January 10, 2021-January 15, 2021, 1.5

Wilcox, E.M., Moosmüller, H. (2021). SBIR/STTR Grant Opportunities, DRI Lunch-Time Seminar: Desert Research Institute, Reno and Las Vegas, December 6, 2021

Wilcox, E.M., Wang, J. (2021). Light-absorbing aerosols and signatures of cloud and climate responses in satellite observations and models, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021, A55F-1446

Wilcox, E.M. (2021). The AIRS day-night temperature contrast as an indicator of light-absorbing aerosols and associated responses in low clouds, NASA AIRS/Sounder Science Team Meeting, October 26, 2021-October 28, 2021

Wood, R., Chun, J., Blossey, P., Large eddy simulations to explore processes controlling the responses of marine low clouds to aerosol injection, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, 13-17 Dec. 2021


Wright, E. E., Sund, N. L., Richter, D. H., Upscaling bimolecular reactive transport in highly heterogeneous porous media with the LAgrangian Transport Eulerian Reaction Spatial (LATERS) Markov model, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Springer, January 14, 2021


Conference Proceedings
Wu, Y., Arora, B., Berkelhammer, M., Reconciling evapotranspiration – cross method synthesis, uncertainty quantification, and path forward, U.S. Department of Energy, Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting: [Virtual], August 17, 2021-August 19, 2021

Wu, Y., Bhavna, A., Berkelhammer, M., Reconciling evapotranspiration- cross method synthesis and uncertainty quantification at the East River Watershed, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 13, 2021-December 17, 2021

Xia, S., McEvoy, D. J., Hobbins, M., Identifying Indicators and Timescales of Agricultural Drought in the Northeast United States using Crop Area-weighted Drought Indices, AGU Annual Meeting: New Orleans, LA, December 15, 2021-December 15, 2021


Xu, H., Li, Y., Feng, R., Comprehensive characterization and health assessment of occupational exposures to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in Xi’an, a major city of northwestern China, Atmospheric Environment, 246, Article No. 118085.

Yu, G., Wright, D., Holman, K. (2021). Connecting Hydrometeorological Processes to Low‐Probability Floods in the Mountainous Colorado Front Range, Water Resources Research, e2021WR029768

Zeng, Y., Verhoef, A., Or, D., GEWEX-ISMC SoilWat Project: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead, GEWEX Quaterly, 31, Quarter-2

Zhai, S., Wang, X., McConnell, J. R., Anthropogenic impacts on tropospheric reactive chlorine since the preindustrial, Geophys. Res. Lett., 48 (14), Article No. e2021GL093808. 10.1029/2021GL093808


Conference Proceedings
Zhai, S., Wang, X., McConnell, J. R., Impacts of Anthropogenic Emissions on Tropospheric Reactive Bromine since the Preindustrial, AGU Fall Meeting 2021: New Orleans, LA


Zhang, T., Bhattarai, C., Son, Y., Reaction Mechanisms of Anisole Pyrolysis at Different Temperatures: Experimental and Theoretical Studies, Energy & Fuels, 35 (12), 9994–10008, ACS Publications

Zhang, T., Shen, Z., Zeng, Y., Spatial distribution and sources of winter black carbon and brown carbon in six Chinese megacities, Science of the Total Environment, 776, Article No. 143075.

Zhang, Y., Shen, Z., Sun, J., Parent, alkylated, oxygenated and nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in PM2.5 emitted from residential biomass burning and coal combustion: A novel database of 14 heating scenarios, Environmental Pollution, 268A, Article No. 115881.

Zhang, Y., Sun, J., Zou, H., Photochemical aging process on PM2.5 bound PAHs emission from solid fuel combustion in traditional and improved stoves, Atmospheric Research, 263, Article No. 105807.


(2020). A pilot project to explore the feasibility of dating rock surfaces and carbonate deposits using luminescence dating, 66 p., Institute Project Assignment Report

(2020). Plant macrofossils from Alta Toquima and starch remains from Alta Toquima and Gatecliff Shelter., Anthropological Papers, In Alpine Archaeology of Alta Toquima and the Mt. Jefferson Tablelands (Nevada), 104, 353-372, American Museum of Natural History: New York

Adams, K. D., Page, D. J., Hartshorn, E. J., Summary of the Development of a Landform Map for the Western U.S. for Areas Prone to Dust, 16, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Adams, K. D., Sabol, D. E., Sion, B., Mapping methods used to predict soil textural properties in Estonia, 16, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory


Conference Proceedings
Adhikari, P., Mejia, J. F. (2020). Impact of transported dust aerosols on precipitation over the central Himalayas using convection permitting WRF-Chem Simulation, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: [Virtual]


Akara, M. E., Reeves, D. M., Parashar, R. (2020). Enhancing fracture-network characterization and discrete-fracture-network simulation with high-resolution surveys using unmanned aerial vehicles, Hydrogeology Journal, 10.1007/s10040-020-02178-y


Conference Proceedings
Akara, M. E., Reeves, D. M., Parashar, R. (2020). Improving fracture network characterization and discrete fracture network flow simulations using unmanned aerial vehicles, GSA Annual Meeting: Online, October 26, 2020-October 30, 2020

Akara, M. E., Reeves, D. M., Parashar, R. (2020). Prevalence of Fracture Spatial Clustering and Implications for Solute Transport, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2020: Online, December 1, 2020-December 17, 2020

Albano, C. M., Daudert, B., Hausner, M. B., Assessing the Effects of Climate and Management on Meadow and Riparian Vegetation Using the Landsat Archive and Cloud Computing – Tools and Applications, Society for Ecological Restoration – California Chapter, September 1, 2020-September 24, 2020


Albano, C. M., Dettinger, M. D., Harpold, A. A. (2020). Patterns and Drivers of Atmospheric River Precipitation and Hydrologic Impacts in the western United States, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 21 (1), 143-159, 10.1175/JHM-D-19-0119.1


Conference Proceedings
Albano, C. M., Imgarten, M., Dettinger, M. D. (2020). Assessment of streamflow forecast skill for the Truckee River basin, American Geophysical Union, December 1, 2020-December 17, 2020

Albano, C. M., Imgarten, M., Dettinger, M. D. (2020). Assessment of wintertime streamflow forecast skill in an atmospheric river-influenced river basin on the lee side of the Sierra Nevada, International Atmospheric Rivers Conference Virtual Symposium, October 5, 2020-October 9, 2020


Albano, C. M., McGwire, K. C., Hausner, M. B., Drought Sensitivity and Trends in Riparian Vegetation Vigor in Nevada, USA (1985-2018), Remote Sensing, 12, 1362, 10.3390/rs12091362

Albano, C. M., McGwire, K. C., Hausner, M. B., Drought Sensitivity and Trends in Riparian Vegetation Vigor in Nevada, USA (1985-2018), Remote Sensing, 12, 1362, 10.3390/rs12091362


Conference Proceedings
Albano, C. M., McGwire, K. C., Hausner, M. B., Using satellite remote sensing and climate data to assess status and trends of groundwater dependent ecosystem vegetation in Nevada, Nevada Water Resources Association: Las Vegas, NV, February 11, 2020-February 13, 2020


Albano, C. M., Minor, B. A., Freed, Z., Status and Trends of Groundwater Dependent Vegetation in Relation to Climate and Shallow Groundwater in the Harney Basin, Oregon, Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV, DRI Technical Report 41280.

Allen, R. G., Dhungel, R., Dhungana, B., Conditioning point and gridded weather data under aridity conditions for calculation of reference evapotranspiration, Agricultural Water Management, Article No. 106531.

Allen, R. G., Robison, C. W., Huntington, J. L., Applying the FAO-56 Dual Kc Method for Irrigation Water Requirements over Large Areas of the Western US, Transactions of the ASABE, 63 (6), 2059-2081

Altshuler, S., Zhang, Q., Kleinman, M., Critical Review Discussion: Wildfire and prescribed burning impacts on air quality in the United States, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 70 (10), 961-970


Conference Proceedings
Arienzo, M. M. (2020). Microplastics in the Sierra Nevada (Invited), Swissnex: Online

Arora, B., Burrus, M., Newcomer, M., A new approach to inferring lateral transport and hydrologic transients within multiple reaches of a mountainous headwater catchment, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: [Virtual], December 1, 2020-December 17, 2020, Paper No. H066-03.


Arora, B., Burrus, M., Newcomer, M., Differential C-Q Analysis: A New Approach to Inferring Lateral Transport and Hydrologic Transients Within Multiple Reaches of a Mountainous Headwater Catchment, Frontiers in Water, 2 (24), 10.3389/frwa.2020.00024

Avalon, N. E., Murray, A. E., Kokkaliari, S., Establishment of the core microbiome of the ascidian Synoicum adareanum near Palmer Station, Antarctica, Mar. Drugs, 18 (40), 17-18


Conference Proceedings
Avalon, N. E., Murray, A. E., Lo, C. C., The biosynthetic gene cluster for palmerolide A from a host-associated bacterium from the Antarctic ascidian Synoicum adareanum, Gordon Research Conference on Marine Natural Products: Ventura, California, February 26, 2020

Aznavi, S., Fajri, P., Wilcox, E.M., Risk Assessment of Smart Buildings Equipped with Solar Generation Using Information Gap Decision Theory, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Expo: Detroit Michigan, October 11, 2020-October 15, 2020, 10.1109/ECCE44975.2020.9235433


Bacon, S. N., Bullard, T. F., Keen-Zebert, A. K., (2020). Spatiotemporal patterns of distributed slip in southern Owens Valley indicated by deformation of late Pleistocene shorelines, eastern California, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 132 (7/8), 1681-1703, 10.1130/B35247.1

Bai, X. (2020). Fate and Transport of Estrogens and Estrogen Conjugates in Manure-Amended Soils, In Animal Manure: Production, Characteristics, Environmental Concerns, and Management, 183-199, American Society of Agronomy: Madison, WI

Bandala, E. R., Sadek, R., Gurgul, J., Assessment of the capability of Fe and Al modified BEA zeolites to promote advanced oxidation processes in aqueous phase, Chemical Engineering Journal, 127379

Bandala, E. R., Stanisic, D., Tasic, L. (2020). Biogenic nanomaterials for photocatalytic degradation and water disinfection: A review, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 6, 3195

Beam, J. P., Becraft, E. D., Brown, J. M., Ancestral Absence of Electron Transport Chains in Patescibacteria and DPANN, Frontiers in Microbiology, 11

Beres, N. D., Lapuerta, M., Cereceda-Balic, F., Snow Surface Albedo Sensitivity to Black Carbon: Radiative Transfer Modelling, Atmosphere, 11 (10), 1077, 10.3390/atmos11101077

Beres, N. D., Sengupta, D., Samburova, V., Deposition of Brown Carbon onto Snow: Changes of Snow Optical and Radiative Properties, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 6095-6114, 10.5194/acp-20-6095-2020


Conference Proceedings
Beres, N. D., Sengupta, D., Samburova, V., Deposition of Brown Carbon onto Snow: Changes of Snow Optical and Radiative properties, General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU 2020): Vienna, Austria, May 4, 2020-May 8, 2020

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