Jessica Larsen
Staff Research Scientist, Ecology
Reno Campus
Earth and Ecosystem Sciences
- M.S., Environmental and Natural Resource Science, University of Nevada
- B.S., University of Nevada Reno, Geography
Professional Experience
- Staff Research Scientist, Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV (2005 – present)
- Graduate Research Assistant, Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV (2003 – 2005)
- Research Assistant, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA (Summer 2001, 2002)
Research Experience
- Plant physiological ecology
- Climate change
- Measurement and analysis of ecosystem CO2 and H2O fluxes from arid, semi-arid, and agricultural ecosystems using static chamber and eddy covariance techniques
- Plant stress physiology (water, salinity, temperature, nutrients)
- Ethylene biosynthesis (ethylene gas measurements, enzyme assays)
- Isotopic analysis of xylem water (source water determination)
- Measuring volatile compound emissions from plants
- Using biochar as a soil amendment
- Extensive fieldwork experience in desert, mountain, and agricultural ecosystems
- Monitoring changes in canopy development (% greenness index, NDVI, LAI, point quadrat method)
- Evaporating and combusting dissolved organic carbon samples
Current Projects
- Eddy covariance and static chamber measurements of CO2 fluxes in arid, semi-arid and agricultural ecosystems
- Eddy covariance and static chamber measurements of evapotranspiration in arid, semi-arid, and agricultural ecosystems
- Developing thermal conversion options for biorefinery residues
- Biochar as a soil amendment
Estimation of evapotranspiration using the eddy covariance method from two locations on the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge near Willows California
, , , (2019). 2017
Estimation of evapotranspiration using eddy covariance method from htee agricultural field sites located near Oakdale California
, , , (2017). 2015
Measuring the effects of fluoride in irrigation water on alfalfa yield, and fluoride in plant biomass and soils
, , (2015). Critical Review of the Literature on LasseniteTM and Other Internally Porous Inorganic Soil Amendments
, , , , (2015). Quantifying volatile organic gaseous emissions from hops (Humulus lupulus), as a surrogate for Cannabis, grown in DRI’s EcoCELL controlled environment facility
, , , , , , (2015). The effect of different biochar amounts on plant biomass production, plant tissue nutrient content, and water holding capacity
, , , (2015). 2012
Data Report: Meteorological and Evapotranspiration Data from Sagebrush and Pinyon Pine/Juniper Communities at Pahute Mesa, Nevada National Security Site, 2011-2012 (45248), Desert Research Institute Publication No. 45248
, , , , , (2012). 2008
Prolonged suppression of ecosystem carbon dioxide uptake following an anomalously warm year, Nature, 455, 383-386
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , (2008). Atmospheric mercury exchange with a tallgrass prairie ecosystem housed in mesocosms, Science of the Total Environment, 406, 227-238
, , , , , (2008). 2007
Yucca Mountain area saturated zone dissolved organic carbon isotopic data, Yucca Mountain Nevada System of Higher Education Final Report
, , , , , , (2007). 2005
Impacts of an anomalously warm year on soil CO2 efflux in experimentally manipulated intact tallgrass prairie ecosystems, Global Change Biology, 11 (39), 1720-1732
, , , , (2005).